After considering feedback from various sliders, we have made adjustments to the pickup arrangements of the Slider Pack & Wristband Ticket.
Please note that the Collection Center has been relocated. You can pick up the slider packs and wristband tickets at 2 collection center locations anytime during our redemption period which has been extended to 6 days. Please refer to the following update on redemption details and collection center information.
考慮過大家對換領站提出的寶貴意見,為了方便大家更彈性領取Slider Pack及門票手帶,我們已更新相關安排。
Slider Pack & Ticket Redemption Details (updated on 30/07/2015)
Slider配備及門票換領詳情 (30/07/2015更新)
You must present your e-ticket. (hard-copy or show it on your mobile device)
e-ticket sample 電子票樣本
If you haven’t received your e-ticket, please email your order number, registered email address and full name to如你還未收到沒有電子票, 請電郵至
Friendly Reminder 溫馨提示:
If you cannot visit the collection center in person, you can authorize your family/friend to pick up for you. Please ask your representative to present the e-ticket and signed authorization letter for verification. If you’re under 18, you’ll need to have your legal guardians sign on the Authorization Letter.
Authorization Letter 代領授權書
I,________________, authorize *Mr /Ms_______________, holder of HKID Card no. ____________, to collect the Slider Pack and ticket for Slide The City HK on my behalf.
Authorizer’s signature:__________________ Contact tel. no.: ________________Date:______________
本人________________,現授權_________________*先生/女士 (香港身份證號碼:_________________) 代為領取本人的 Slide The City HK - Slider 配備及門票。
授權人簽署:__________________ 聯絡電話:__________________日期:_________________
Every slider has to sign the “Slide the City™ Hong Kong Assumption of Risk and Warning of Risk Waiver and Release of Claims” (Release Waiver). If you haven’t signed yet, please do it at the collection center. If a representative is authorized for the pick-up, we will issue a Release Waiver form in hard-copy. Please sign and return it at our registration counter on event day. If you’re under 18, you’ll need to have your legal guardians sign on the Release Waiver form.
每位參加者必須簽署《Slide the City™ Hong Kong接受風險和風險警告及免除索償 (協議) 》,如你未曾簽署,必須於換領Slider配備及門票時即場簽署。如由親友代領,我們會提供協議的列印本,簽妥後請於活動當日交回登記處。18歲以下的參加者必須由合法監護人簽署協議。
Bad Weather Arrangement 惡劣天氣安排:
Our collection center will be closed if tropical cyclone signal No.8 or above, or black rainstorm signal is hoisted on the day. Please refer to Slide The City Hong Kong Facebook page for updates and new arrangements.
Terms & Conditions
1. If a representative is authorized for the pick-up, please present the e-ticket and signed Authorization Letter for verification.
2. If you’re under 18, you’ll need to have your legal guardians sign on the Authorization Letter.
3. If you are not able to pick up the Slider Pack and ticket at our collection center or you do not have any representatives to do so, you are required to inform the organizer by sending your order no., name and registered email to for alternative arrangement.
4. Each e-ticket holder is entitled to receive one Slider Pack and one ticket only and they are not exchangeable.
5. Slider Pack items in different color versions are distributed on a random basis and are not exchangeable.
6. For sliders who have not signed the Slide the City™ Hong Kong Assumption of Risk and Warning of Risk Waiver and Release of Claims (‘Release Waiver’) online yet, they are required to sign in person during Slider Pack and ticket collection. If a representative is authorized for the pick-up, we will issue a Release Waiver form in hard-copy. Please sign and return it at the Registration on the event day.
7. If you’re under 18, you’ll need to have your legal guardians sign on the Release Waiver form.
8. O2 Concept (Hong Kong) Company Limited reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the decision made by O2 Concept (Hong Kong) Company Limited is final.
1. 如由親友代領,必須出示電子票及已簽署之代領授權書,以作確認。
2. 18歲以下參加者,必須由合法監護人簽署代領授權書。
3. 若你未能於換領站換領Slider配備及門票,亦未有親友代領,你必須透過電郵通知主辦機構,並提供你的訂單編號、姓名及登記電郵,以另作安排。
4. 每張電子票之持有人只能換領Slider配備及門票乙份,並且不設退換。
5. Slider配備的顏色將會以隨機方式派發,並且不設退換。
6. 所有未電子簽署Slide the City™ Hong Kong接受風險和風險警告及免除索償(‘協議’) 的參加者,必須於換領Slider配備及門票時由參加者本人簽署。如由親友代領,我們會提供協議的列印本,簽妥後請於活動當日將此協議交回登記處。
7. 18歲以下的參加者必須由合法監護人簽署協議。
8. O2 Concept (Hong Kong) Company Limited 保留變更條款及細則而毋須事先作出通知之權利。任何與之有關的糾紛,O2 Concept (Hong Kong) Company Limited作出的決定為最终決定權利。
Any Chinese translation of the Agreement is for reference only and the English version shall prevail in case of discrepancy.
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