由 林公子 於 2015-09-08 04:29:11 發表 | 累積瀏覽 1029
Summer holiday is finished but the fun doesn’t stop! Book now for kids to learn to be "Kung Fu Masters” at the Kung Fu Panda Academy. Parents and children can play games together training their intelligence, physical agility and creativity. They can even get a certificate and meet Po or Tigress for a photo!
活動對象 Recommend for:4至12歲小朋友/ 4-12 years old
活動日期 Date:4/7/2015 – 30/9/2015
票價 Price:小童每位澳門幣200元(包括一位成人相伴);額外成人每位澳門幣100元/
MOP 200 per child (includes one accompanying adult); MOP 100 per additional adult
詳情 Details:http://bit.ly/1NfdIs1
Join This Summer’s Ultimate Adventure - Follow in the footsteps of the excitable, heroic and lovable Po from the “Kung Fu Panda” and become a Kung Fu Master at Sheraton Macao Hotel’s Kung Fu Panda Academy. So prepare your paws, steady your sights and Kung Fu kick your way to total awesomeness! You’ll master the five pillars of Kung Fu – laughter, tranquility, friendship, peace and courage – through exciting challenges and creative tasks, all preparing you for the ultimate title of Kung Fu Master. What’s more, you’ll meet Po himself or Tigress as you graduate from the Kung Fu Academy. It’s the ultimate day of fun this summer.
體驗夏日歷奇之旅 - 快來澳門喜來登酒店的「功夫熊貓學堂」,追隨勇敢善戰、可敬可愛的超級英雄亞寶的足跡,抖擻精神,揮動雙拳,打出最厲害的蓋世奇功!透過一連串刺激有趣的任務與挑戰,您們會學懂功夫修行中五大精神:笑聲、平静、友誼、和平及勇氣的,最後成為無可匹敵的功夫大師!完成功夫熊貓學堂的所有訓練後,更可與亞寶或飛虎女見面,渡過最難忘愉快的夏日體驗。
Check out the action-packed journey that awaits you:
Zone 1 第一關 |
Prepare to be a Kung Fu Master 準備成為功夫大師 |
To be a true Kung Fu Master, you must look and dress the part and master the first pillar – laughter! Customize your own Kung Fu Master headband, and complete your look with colorful temporary tattoos of Po, Oogway, Master Shifu and more of your favorite characters from DreamWorks’ Kung Fu Panda movies. 成為功夫大師的第一步,必先化身為功夫學徒。為此,我們特別準備了令您頭腦清晰的功夫頭帶,以及多款功夫熊貓角色的印水紙,包括亞寶、胡貴大師、施福大師等,讓大家盡情發揮創意,設計入型入格的功夫造型,並從中學懂第一個武術精神 - 欣然自樂! |
Zone 2 第二關 |
Kung Fu Courage Training 勇氣 – 強者煉成陣 |
Kung Fu is an ancient art form, balancing focus with quick movements while maintaining tranquility – the second pillar. Learn the basics from our Kung Fu Artist, then put your new skills into practice with a “sparring” session with our larger-than-life Kung Fu practice cushion. The battle dummy of doom! 功夫是一門源遠流長的技藝,講求速度與專注之間的平衡;想達到這個境界,必須學懂功夫修行的第二個精神 - 心無雜念。您們將會從師傅身上學習到最紮實的基本功,然後施展渾身解數,在「拳擊」訓練中,與專為習武而設的緩沖墊「木人樁」一較高下! |
Zone 3 第三關 |
Respect - Mr. Ping's Noodle Shop 尊重 - 平氏麵館 |
Every Kung Fu Master needs the right fuel to stay energized. Help the waiters at Mr. Ping’s Noodle House prepare a bowl of noodles by finding the right ingredients and presenting your feast properly. You’ll only succeed by mastering the third pillar – friendship. 所有功夫大師都必需得到充足的營養,以保持精力充沛。學員們將協助平氏麵館的侍應集齊所有配料,製作美味可口的湯麵,並以正確的方式將湯麵端上餐桌。學員們必須在過程中領悟到第三個精神 - 珍視友誼,才能成功闖關。 |
Zone 4 第四關 |
Focus - Leaps Training 專注 - 跳躍訓練 |
This fun team training task will test your balance, poise and most importantly, peace – the forth pillar! Leap across a series of tree trunks while juggling a dumpling or bun between a pair of chopsticks. Be careful not to fall in the river or drop your treat – first team to successfully complete this task wins! 這場刺激有趣的團隊訓練不但會考驗學員的平衡力,更會讓他們領悟到第四個精神 – 心平氣和!學員們將會分組進行比賽,以筷子挾住餃子或饅頭走過獨木橋。千萬不要掉進河裡或丟失食物,最快完成挑戰的團隊將會成為勝出者。 |
Zone 5 第五關 |
Diligence - The Final Test 勤奮 - 終極考驗 |
You look like a Kung Fu Master, have learnt the moves, prepared the cuisine and tested your agility – the final task is to put it all together. Mastering this final task will test your courage and mental speed to see if you have what it takes to be a Kung Fu Master! 學員們已學會紮實的招式及準備營養食物,亦經歷了連番試煉,開始顯露出功夫大師的神韻。來到第五關,是時候要將所學的一切施展出來,展現最高的心理速度及勇氣,看您是否具備成為功夫大師的條件! |
*** Upon completion of Kung Fu Panda Academy, Kung Fu Masters will receive a certificate and meet Po or Tigress for a photo. 完成「功夫熊貓學堂」的所有訓練,各位功夫大師不但會獲頒證書,更可與亞寶或飛虎女拍照留念。***
Are you ready for the Kung Fu Panda Academy challenge? 準備好接受「功夫熊貓學堂」的挑戰了嗎?
用呢條link買旅遊保險可以有8折優惠: https://goo.gl/m117b9
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