由 林公子 於 2016-01-29 03:23:26 發表 | 累積瀏覽 611
剩間12點去 http://goo.gl/nAlg2t 訂購由香港出發飛去台中、福岡、首爾及其他航點嘅機票都係由$98*元起!即刻將優惠傳開去!嗌埋您班friend一齊搶超抵機票啦!優惠只限24小時!
What can you get for $98? Perhaps a nice dinner, a budget souvenir or… an airfare!
Go to http://goo.gl/i3OzpR at midnight and book fares from Hong Kong to Taichung, Fukuoka, Seoul and more destinations that cost as low as $98* HKD! Share this great deal with everyone and go grab a super low fare together! You better act now cause this offer is available for 24 hours only!
Booking period: 29 Jan 2016
Travel period: 1 - 29 Feb 2016
#HKExpress #抵到盡 #GrabSale
原來機票真係可以咁抵!用DBS 信用卡訂購二人同行優惠機票啦!喺搜尋航班前輸入指定優惠代碼 ,即可享額外高達8折*票價優惠!優惠去到2016年2月1日咋,唔好慢吞吞喇!
DBS Eminent Card持卡人:
其他適用DBS信用卡及Compass Visa持卡人:
立即去 go.dbs.com/hk-hkexpress參閱更多優惠詳情啦!
Our low-fares are about to get even lower! Use your DBS credit card to get discounted 2-to-go fares! Enter the promotional codes below prior to searching for flights to enjoy up to 20% off*! This offer is only valid till 1 Feb 2016, so hurry and book your trip!
DBS Eminent Card cardholders:
20% off airfares (Discount code: HKEDBS20) plus an extra up to 10% rebate on the whole spending
Other applicable DBS Credit Cards & Compass Visa cardholders:
15% off airfares (Discount code: HKEDBS15)
Go to go.dbs.com/hk-hkexpress for details about this offer!
#HKExpress #抵到盡 #2人同行 #2togo
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