由 林公子 於 2016-10-16 23:56:15 發表 | 累積瀏覽 1165
秘境の旅 西祖谷コース
令人懷舊的老爺巴士行駛在祖谷的街道上。 這是定期觀光巴士,從JR阿波池田站前出發,在大步危、蔓橋、祖谷溪等地周遊,每次車程需要5小時20分鐘左右。導遊為您解說平氏家族的傳說和歷史,您可以悠閒地享受祕境之美(需預約)。
電郵地址: yonkoh@arion.ocn.ne.jp
所在地 三好市池田町更田阿波池田巴士終點站
費用 adult:7,500YEN
交通 井川池田IC→國道32號(往祖谷方向)→縣道5號→(整個行程的車程約5分鐘) 自JR阿波池田站走路2分鐘。
聯繫方式 四國交通株式會社
電話 0883-72-1231
傳真 0883-72-1277
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you very much for your email in regard to placing a reservation.
I am Ms.Lumi K.,the reservation clerk of Shikoku Kotsu Bus Company.
Before we begin to process your reservation for Sightseeing tour bus(定期観光バス), please be advised that the tour is only conducted in Japanese.
Unfortunately, English and Chinese languages are not available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please fill in the form and send back to kuniyasu@yonkoh.co.jp.
Tour Bus Reservation Form(定期観光予約フォーム)
Name (all the members):
Mr.□/Ms.□Family name姓 Given name名
Mr.□/Ms.□Family name姓 Given name名
Date :
Total amount of people:(Adult) (Child)
Country of residence国籍:
Contact Info(before tour)
Staying place (after tour):
Other Request:
☆Amount of Tour Fare (admission fees, lunch included) (Menu items contain Japanese soba.) : JPY7,500 for adult, JPY7,000 for child(12 years old and more).
3 years old and more child must pay the sightseeing boat fee there.
The bus fare is paid on that day in cash.
If you have Soba allergy, please let us know in advance.
In case of no sight-seeing boat due to bad weather, the tour conductor refunds the fee in JPY at Oboke Gorge.
☆Minimum Number of Participants : We require 4 people.
If fewer than 4 people, the tour is cancelled.
★There is a possibility that the order of sightseeing may be changed due to traffic.
We look forward to your response.
Ms. Lumi K. Reservation Desk
四国交通株式会社Shikoku-Kotsu Inc.
Office Hour : Mon-Fri 8:30-17:30
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