由 林公子 於 2015-09-12 10:40:05 發表 | 累積瀏覽 2595
最近爆紅既富士山 玻璃杯
田島玻璃-Edo桐子(案例玻璃切割) -
Matsutaro田島成立於1956年“田島玻璃有限公司” 在江東區,東京玻璃餐具生產企業,
【This item will be shipped in turn from Early Winter in 2015.】
Re: the purchase of advance sale items,
- This item is for advance sale. The shipment will be in turn after Early Winter in 2015, so the shipment on appointed date is not available.
- In case you put your order together with the items which are available in stock at this moment, please note that the shipment will be proceeded all together after Early Winter in 2015.
- According to the circumstances of the manufacturing process and the transportation, the shipment might actually be late.
※一個訂 單會產生一個運費和手續費。
Mt. Fuji Glass
*Traditional Arts and Crafts by your side*
By using the traditional glass arts flexibly, the skilled glass-craftsmen have made it possible to enclose Mt. Fuji, a World Heritage site, in the glass. This Mt. Fuji changes its color depending on the glass contents. If you drink whisky with this glass, you can see the golden Fuji. And if you pour red wine into it, Red Fuji will emerge at the bottom of the glass. The manufacturing process of Mr. Fuji glass has been patented, so no one can make this glass.
・・・Please enjoy time of comfort with various expressions of Mt. Fuji.・・・ Prize winning work for Japan Souvenir Grand-Prix 2015 The item won the Grand-Prix and the Commissioner of the Japan Tourism Agency Award from 478 items. And Mt. Fuji glass featured on TV ! ----------------------- 這款由田島玻璃公司設計的2015年的新產品“看得見的富士山玻璃杯”榮獲日本“國土交通觀光廳後援”的2015珍奇商品部門最優秀獎。並在478件參獎產品裡,榮獲“觀光廳長官獎”這一最高榮譽大獎。 迷倒眾人的世界遺產富士山,竟然通過玻璃職人的精贊傳統手藝被雕刻進玻璃杯裡!更令人意想不到的是,杯底的富士山,會由威士忌,白蘭地,金巴利等飲料的顏色的變化而變化!當您使用“看得見的富士山玻璃杯”時,其喝水已經不單是一種滿足身體補水需要,它已從味覺的享受昇華為一種視覺的享受!即使不在日本,您也可以通過光和影的折射,盡情享受杯底的富士山所散發出的各種光彩,並在心理鑄造出一幅屬於自己的美麗富士山風景。田島玻璃株式會社已對該產品申請了專利,因此該產品只有田島公司才能生產! “富士山玻璃杯”被日本電視台介紹了!
Item Number 742001501501
Stock In Stock
Brand Tajima Glass
Product Line Glass Cup
Whiskey Glass (Old Fashioned Glass)
Size Φ9.2 x H9.5 cm
Box: W10.5 x L10.0 x H10.2 cm
Retail Price ¥5,400 JPY
Unit Price ¥5,400 JPY
(Tax included)
Tajima Glass - Edo Kiriko (case glass with cutting)
Matsutaro Tajima founded in 1956 "Tajima Glass Co., Ltd." as a glass tableware manufacturer in Koto-ku, Tokyo. The manufacturer moved in 1962 to Edogawa Matsue, and began to make glass tumblers, wine glasses, etc. for professional-use. Tajima produces mainly Edo Kiriko (case glass with cutting) which is hand-crafted one by one. Under their technical and product development capabilities, which have been building up over many years, Tajima has introduced the charm and the culture of handmade glass. Edo glass is the Traditional Arts and Crafts designated by government and Tokyo.
- As the glass is very weak to the temperature change; do not heat or cool it so suddenly.
- When you wash the glass, please use a soft sponge or a cloth.
- Using wire wool will cause damage on the surface of the glass, which will make the glass more fragile.
- This glass is not usable in a microwave oven and dishwasher.
- As the glass is handmade, each size and pattern June vary slightly.
Shipping Cost
*Overseas shipping are made by EMS (Express Mail Servicehttp://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/charge/list/ems_all_en.html ). By separate e-mail, we will inform you the order details included the transportation charge, then we will proceed the credit card payment after we receive your final confirmation .
*Japan domestic shipping, we charge a Nationwide Flat Fee ¥540JPY for each shipment under ¥21,600JPY. * We charge “Per Carton Cost” in addition to the shipping charge for ship the goods outside Japan from January 13th, 2015.
Payments are made by accepted credit cards
Payment by credit card is proceeded through the outsourced settlement third-party, "VeriTrans Co., Ltd.," http://payment.veritrans.co.jp/index_e.html so "Le-Noble" is not retained any customer's credit card informations. We use the encryption system SSL, so the encrypted card informations are transmitted to them.
銀座富士屋ビル 1F
東京交通会館 2F
ツインビル B棟1F
(阪急烏丸駅 地下鉄四条駅
(阪急 長岡天神駅より徒歩 3分)
大阪ダイヤモンド地下街 2号
大阪富国生命ビル B2
神戸国際会館 3階
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