(已結業)Oh! Massage Genius
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(已結業)Oh! Massage Genius評論
(已結業)Oh! Massage Genius介紹
OMG! 按摩館 pronounced as [on.mor.goon] in Cantonese literally means The Massage Parlor. In English, OMG! stands for Oh! Massage Genius and explicitly elaborates the kind of massage parlor it is. They are simply Genius! At OMG!, customers always come first. Offering the best massage is essential, but making them feel divine is what we are striving for. That's why we pay attention to details, creating the ambience that allows each customer to scream with joy. 本店「按摩館」的粵語聲母「OMG!」即英文名稱「Oh! Massage Genius」之縮寫;顧名思義,我們並非一般指壓按摩店,「按摩館」是能夠真正為你紓緩減壓的「按摩師傅」。 「按摩館」本著以客為先的服務態度,承諾為你提供城中最佳的專業按摩,讓你體驗非凡。因此,我們都很在意每個細節以至各項配套設施,務求令你安在最舒逸寫意的環境中輕鬆地享受著按摩服務,讓身心的壓力、疲憊盡情紓解開來。 前往方法