King Ludwig Beerhall (灣仔店)
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King Ludwig Beerhall (灣仔店)評論
King Ludwig Beerhall (灣仔店)介紹
餐廳裝潢極富傳統德國風味,每日供應多款傳統德國美食,當中馳名的德國脆燒豬手更是令人垂涎欲滴,再品嚐多款冰凍的德國啤酒,真是人生一大樂事。To enjoy a wide choice of authentic German cuisine and beer, King Ludwig Beerhall serves not just the delicacies, but also the traditional German ambience.赤柱 Stanley香港赤柱廣場美利樓 202 號舖 Shop 202, Murray House, Stanley Plaza, Stanley, Hong KongTel: 2899 0122尖沙咀 Tsim Sha Tsui九龍港鐵尖東站地面 32 號舖 (K出口) Shop No. 32, G/F, MTR East Tsim Sha Tsui Station (Exit K), KowloonTel: 2369 8328灣仔 Wan Chai灣仔 Wan Chai灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈2樓2號舖 Tel: 2861 0737元朗洪水橋 Yuen Long Hung Shui Kiu新界元朗青山公路洪水橋段 (洪水橋輕鐵站斜對面)Hung Shui Kiu, Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long, New Territories (Opposite to Hung Shui Kiu Light Rail Station)Tel: 2477 5000