Photo courtesy of Francis Ko and Eric Tsoi
Bo Lo Bao (Pineapple Bun)
It is an invention by Hong Kong bakers and very popular in this ex-English colony. The bun is soft and topped by a crunchy crust. It is often enjoy for breakfast and afternoon tea time. Do not be misled by the name. It does not have any pineapple in the ingredients. It gets the name because it looks like the outer skin of a pineapple.
There are many recipes around but they fail to make the crust crunchy. The traditional crust or top of Bo Lo Bao is made of sugar, eggs, ammonia bicarbonate, flour and lard. But the following recipe substitutes lard with butter for a slightly healthier version. Ammonia bicarbonate is not a common item on most grocery shelves so it is replaced by baking soda and baking powder as well. They produce the same delicious and crunchy texture.
make 15 buns
428g unbleached bread flour
68g sugar
1 large egg
7g instant yeast
80g water
1 tsp custard powder (optional)
7g salt
45g unsalted butter, room temperature
180g Tong Zhong
(Tong Zhong: put 30g flour and 150g water in a small pot. Stir well and put under low heat until it turns to a paste. Then let it cool to room temperature before mixing in with the main dough.)
Crunchy top:
110g unbleached all-purpose flour
80g sugar
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
20g unsalted butter, softened
40g vegetable shortening, Spectrum is recommended, see notes
half an egg, slightly beaten
roll out the crunchy top dough in between two sheets of wrap
put the rolled out crunchy top onto the bun and brush with egg wash
Mix all the crunchy top ingredients and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Divide into 15 parts and roll out to the size of the bun.
The way to make the dough is similar to other breadmaking techniques (click
Tong Zhong Bread for more detailed instructions). Mix all the ingredients (except butter, add last) and knead for 15 minutes if you hand knead it; 7 minutes if using a stand mixer. Let it rise in a warm place until double or triple in size. It may take anywhere from 90 minutes to two hours, depends on the temperature of your kitchen. Divide evenly into 15 parts. Roll into a ball and let them rise a second time until it almost doubles, about 45 minutes. Roll out the crunchy top and gently put on top of the dough. Brush with egg wash and bake at a preheated 375
°F oven for 15-20 minutes until it is golden brown. Cool on a rack for about 15 minutes and best to serve warm.
1) Custard powder is optional. It gives the bread a yellowish color and nice aroma.
2) It is easier to roll out the crunchy top dough if you do it in between two plastic wraps.
3) For a healthier version of vegetable shortening, use organic and non hydrogenated version from Spectrum:
Photo courtesy of Francis Ko and Eric Tsoi
428g 高筋粉
68g 糖
1 隻 蛋
7g 酵母
80g 水
1茶匙 吉士粉 (如沒有,可省略)
7g 鹽
45g 牛油, 室温
80g 糖
1/4茶匙 梳打粉
1/4茶匙 泡打粉
20g 牛油
40g 固體菜油(Crisco or Spectrum)
半隻 蛋
1) 麵包加了吉士粉可以更香,也會增加色澤。
2) 將脆皮面材料放在二張保鮮紙中更容易捍。
感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料
Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/