Just by looking at the name of this bread, you can imagine how fragrant your kitchen will be while it is in the oven. This savory version of monkey bread is great to accompany a Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner!
光是看到這麵包的名字你便可以想像到它所散發出的香味是多麼的吸引,這款咸味麵包肯定在聖誕大餐桌上大受歡迎 !
Ingredients to make a 9x5 inch loaf :
120g Tong Zhong (20g flour + 100g water) 湯種
330g unbleached bread flour 高筋粉
7g instant yeast 即溶酵母
20g sugar 糖
1 tbsp herb mix 混合香草
1/2 tsp garlic powder 蒜粉
35g soft unsalted butter 無鹽牛油,室溫
120g warm milk 溫暖牛奶
5g salt 鹽
Shredded cheese and melted butter 適量芝士及牛油溶液
1) Make
Tong Zhong by mixing 20g bread flour and 100g water in a small pot under medium heat until it has a pasty consistency. Let it cool to room temperature.
2) In a bowl of a stand mixer, put all the ingredients (except butter and salt) and mix on low until a dough forms. Add salt and knead for 7 minutes. Add the softened butter and keep kneading until it is incorporated into the dough.
3) Cover and let it rise in a warm place until it doubles in size.
4) Divide the dough into 20 balls. Dip each ball into melted butter and line them on the bottom of an oiled pan until they fill up the bottom.
5) Sprinkle cheese on top of the balls and repeat until all the balls fill up the pan.
ready for 2nd rise
6) Cover and let it rise until the dough balls rise up above an inch from the rim.
after 2nd rise, ready to go into the oven
7) Bake in a preheated 350F oven for 35 minutes or until the top is brown. Remove the bread from the pan and let it cool on a rack completely before serving.
感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料
Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/