Raisins Braided Bread 葡萄乾辮子麵包

Phoebe 於 2011-08-03 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 455


I remember this is one of my favorite breads from my childhood. I used to pick the raisins out from the bread and eat them first, but there usually were not that many in it. Now since I can make it myself, I can put as many as I'd like in it (but don't go overboard, don't use more than 33% of the flour weight). I can also make it as healthy as I'd like it to be, too. This one is made using whole wheat flour and ground flaxseed with Tong Zhong.

Ingredients for making 2 medium size braided loaves

a) 200g unbleached bread flour
144g whole wheat flour
30g honey
7g instant yeast
2 tbsp wheat gluten
2 tbsp ground flaxseed, optional
1 large egg
135g water
5g salt

b) 30g unsalted butter, room temperature
118g raisins

c) 90g Tong Zhong: mix 15g bread flour + 75g water. Heat up the mixture until it turns into a paste and then cool to room temperature.

1)  Make Tong Zhong and let it cool to room temperature.
2)  In the bowl of a stand mixer, add all of (a) and (c) and mix on low until combined. Increase the speed to 2 and knead for 10 mins.
3)  Add (b) to the dough and knead for a few more mins until combined.
4)  Put the dough in an oiled bowl and cover with a plastic wrap. Let it rise until doubled in size.
5)  Divide the dough into 2 equal parts.
6)  For each part, divide it into the number of braids you would like to have. I have a 3 braid loaf and a 5 braid one too.
7)  Let them rest for about 10 mins before braiding.

8)  Braid the dough and pinch the two ends tightly.

9)  Let it rise until almost double in size.
10)  Brush egg wash on each dough. Bake in a preheated 350F oven for about 25 mins.

1)   The stand mixer I use is Kitchenaid. If you have a different machine, follow the machine's instructions accordingly. If a stand mixer is not available, it can be hand kneaded as well. It just takes more time and muscle.
2)  Fermentation time varies depending upon the room temperature. Optimum temperature for yeast to multiply is between 72-80⁰F.


我記得小時候食葡萄乾麵包,我通常都會先將那些葡萄乾挑了出來吃掉,才食麵包的,不知你有否這習慣呢 ? 但通常葡萄乾麵包內的葡萄乾都不會有很多,所以現在我自己學會了焗麵包,我便可以盡情放我喜歡的份量了(但不要放多過三份一的麵粉重量,否則會影响酵母活動能力),而且
我更可以用全麥及放些營養十足的亞麻籽在內,包保好食又健康 !


a)  高筋粉  200g
全麥麵粉  144g
蜜糖  30g
速溶酵母  7g
wheat gluten  2 湯匙
亞麻籽,磨碎 2湯匙
水 135g
蛋 一隻
鹽  5g

b)  室温無鹽牛油  30g
葡萄乾  118g

c)  湯種  90g

1)  先做湯種: 75g水加入15g高筋粉,用小火煮至黏稠,待凉備用。
2)  將所有(a)材料放入攪拌機(stand mixer)內用慢速#1攪拌,再加入(c),用#2搓約十分鐘,再加(b),再搓約二分鐘。。
3)  放入已塗油之大器皿內,用保鮮紙包實,發酵一至兩倍大,約個半至二個小時。
4)  將麵糰分成兩等份,然後再跟據辮子數量分成所須麵糰(我做了一個三辮及一個五辮的)。
5)  讓麵糰鬆弛十分鐘。
6)  將麵糰編成辮子,兩端要捏緊。
7)  用保鮮紙蓋好,再發酵至一倍大。
8)  塗上蛋水,放入已預熱至350度焗爐焗約廿五分鐘。

1)  我用的是Kitchenaid stand mixer,如是別的牌子,請跟說明書的指示去搓麵糰,如沒有機器幫助,用手搓也可。
2)  發酵時間要視乎室温,最理想的温度是介乎華氏72至80度。


感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料

Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/


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