I must be nuts...more chestnut. After the mango fever this summer, I am nuts about chestnut in the winter. After the previous
chestnut cake and the
chocolate chestnut cake , I am onto another recipe with Bavarian cream. Instead of a big 8 or 9 inch cake this time, a mini version like petite four is made. Although there is more work involved, it is very worthwhile. It is what making desserts is all about: dedication, hard work and "heart" work. If you put your heart into it, it will blossom into something that is enjoyable. Then all the hard work is rewarded.
Although this sponge cake has no butter nor fat in it, it is still soft and not rubbery !
Chestnut Sponge Cake
Ingredients to make a 8 inch cake:
4 large eggs, separated
68g cake flour
30g cornstarch
82g sugar
45g unsweetened chestnut puree
1 tsp rum
pinch of salt
1) Preheat oven to 350F. Put a round piece of parchment paper on the bottom of the pan and then spray oil.
2) Blend chestnut puree with egg yolks until smooth. Add half the sugar and beat with a handheld beater for 3-4 mins. Add rum.
3) In a separate and clean bowl, beat egg white with a pinch of salt until soft peaks form. Add sugar and beat on high until stiff peaks form.
4) Sift the cake flour and cornstarch together in another bowl.
5) Fold the white into the yolk mixture. Fold in the sifted flour until no dry flour is seen.
6) Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 25-30 mins or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
7) Let the cake cool on a rack completely before unmolding.
Bavarian Chestnut Cream
1 egg yolk
24g sugar
100g milk
65g unsweetened chestnut puree
3g gelatin sheet, softened
100g heavy cream
1 tbsp rum, optional
1) Blend chestnut puree with milk. Heat in a pot until it simmers. Remove from heat.
2) Whisk egg yolk with sugar until blended.
3) Pour the hot milk mixture to the yolk while whisking constantly.
4) Add the softened gelatin. Stir until dissolves. Let it cool to about 90F.
5) Whip heavy cream to soft peak while the cream is cooling.
6) Mix the two well together. Add rum and mix well.
Cake Assemble:
1) Cut out the cake to the size of your mold.
2) Pour some Bavarian cream to fill the bottom of your mold.
3) Lay down a piece of the cake and fill up the mold with cream.
4) Put the mold in the freezer until set.
5) Prepare chocolate glaze and pour onto the set mold. Refrigerate until set.
Chocolate Glaze
2oz/56g semisweet chocolate chips
40g heavy cream
1 tsp light corn syrup
Put all the ingredients in a small bowl. Microwave for 15 seconds intervals with stirring in between until it is smooth and shiny. Do not over heat or over mix.
1) Adjust the amount of ingredients according to the volumn of your mold.
2) If gelatin sheet is not available, it can be substituted with powder. Sprinkle the gelatin powder on 2 tbsp water to soak. Microwave until dissolves. Then add to the hot milk mixture.
自從夏天的芒果熱潮退了之後,到冬天我這個栗子發燒友又來了, 今次要做的不是一大個的栗子蛋糕,而是做幾個小小的西餅,工夫當然是多了很多,但一切都是值得的。當你愛上做甜品之後,無論要多少功序,多少心思,多少時間,只要那製成品能夠被欣賞,那麼一切也是值得的!
1) 預熱焗爐至350F,焗盤放上一張八寸大焗爐紙,然後再噴上油。
2) 蛋白與蛋黄分開,蛋黄加入栗子蓉攪勻,加入一半糖,然後用電動打蛋器打約三、四分鐘,加入酒,備用。
3) 在一個乾淨大碗內加入少許鹽與蛋白打至白色,再加入餘下之糖打至硬身。
4) 將打發好的蛋白與蛋黄混合,再加入已篩過的粉類。
5) 倒入已準備好的焗盤,焗約25-30分鐘。
6) 焗好放在架上待完全凉至室溫。
1) 栗子蓉與奶攪勻,加熱至微滾,熄火。
2) 蛋黄加糖打勻,將熱奶慢慢加入,邊加邊攪。
3) 將已浸軟身之魚膠片加入,攪至溶化。待凉至90F。
4) 打發奶油至軟身,加入蛋黄混合物,加酒攪勻。
1) 用模切出蛋糕所須形狀。
2) 倒入少許栗子奶油在模具內,放上已切出之蛋糕片,再倒入奶油。
3) 放入冰格約三十分鐘至硬身,取出倒上巧克力醬便成。
感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料
Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/