75g 低筋麵粉
25g 中筋麵粉
1g(1/4茶匙) 酵母
少許(pinch) 鹽
50g 水
400g 中筋麵粉
200g 低筋麵粉
80g 糖
80g 水
10g 酵母
1/4 茶匙 蘇打粉
280g 牛奶
10g 牛油
1) 將所有材料混合均勻,搓至起筋,再加牛油搓至光滑。
2) 將麵糰滾圓,蓋上保鮮紙,靜待十五分鐘。
3) 用桿麵棍桿平,捲起成棒狀,接縫捏緊,分割成三十份,大約四十克一個。每個饅頭放在蠟紙上,置蒸籠內,蓋上保鮮紙,發酵三十分鐘。
4) 用滾水蒸約十至十三分鐘。
1) 中筋麵粉即all-purpose flour,低筋麵粉與cake flour相同。所謂低、中、高筋,是指麵粉的蛋白質含量,低筋有百份之八至十,中筋有百份之十至十二,高筋有百份之十二至十四。
2) 饅頭蒸好後不要放在蒸籠內過久,否則會變黄。
Mantou / Steamed Bun
The history of bread is as old as mankind. It is made by simply mixing flour with water and let it ferment. If you put it in an oven and bake, you will have bread; if you steam it, you will get mantou. It is truely amazing ! This recipe not only gives you mantou, you can also wrap them with lotus seed paste or red bean paste and they will turn into delicious sweet buns. If you put some cocoa powder in it and roll it up with the regular dough, then you will have double colored buns. It is so versatile and fun !!
Make about 30 buns
Pate Fermentee:
75g cake flour
25g all purpose flour
1g(1/4 tsp) yeast
50g water
pinch of salt
Mix all the above ingredients and knead until a smooth ball forms, about 5-10 minutes. Cover and let it rise until double in size.
Main dough:
400g all-purpose flour
200g cake flour
80g sugar
80g water
10g yeast
1/4 tsp baking soda
280g milk
pate fermentee from above
10g butter
1) Mix all the ingredients and knead until a smooth ball forms, then add butter and knead more until blended.
2) Cover and let it rest for 15 minutes.
3) Roll out the dough and roll it up into a rod shape. Divide the dough into 30 parts, about 40g each.
4) Put each piece on a piece of wax paper and into a steamer. Cover and let it rise for 30 minutes.
5) Steam in boiling water for 10-13 minutes.
1) The difference between cake (low gluten), all-purpose and bread (high gluten) flour is the percentage of protein. Cake flour has 8-10% protein, all-purpose has 10-12%, bread (high gluten) flour has 12-14%.
2) Mantou has to be taken out from the steamer after it is done. It will turn yellow if leave it in for too long.
感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料
Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/