(最新消息:現在不用返香港, Nordic Ware有新產品, 質量比香港的好:
Williams-Sonoma )
140g/一杯半 低筋面粉
7.5g/二茶匙 泡打粉
14g/一湯匙 吉士粉
28g/三湯匙 木薯粉
2隻 雞蛋
140g/四份之三杯 糖
28g/二湯匙 牛奶
140g/三份之二杯 水
28g/二湯匙 油
1) 蛋加糖打勻, 加奶及水打勻.
2) 將所有粉類同篩勻,加入蛋槳內,攪勻。
3) 最後加油,攪勻。
4) 靜待一小時便可以.
5) 如喜歡其他口味,如朱咕力或綠茶口味,可在此時加入粉槳。
1) 個模一定要燒熱及噴油才容易脫模,及要用小火。
2) 木薯粉英文是tapioca flour, 因不同產地有不同名稱,有些叫地瓜粉,太白粉,實在太混亂,所以認着英文標籤買比較安全,不會用錯。
3) 如買不到吉士粉,可用一茶匙雲呢哪香油代替。
3) 如有剩餘,放入焗爐焗一焗又會很香脆。
I Love Cake
egg waffle with chocolate chips
Hong Kong Egg Waffle
Due to popular demands, I need to put this post in English, too. Recently Nordic Ware made a
Egg Waffle Pan and sold it exclusively through Williams-Sonoma. It has created a buzz in the Chinese community. The waffle mix they sell is not quite the same as the one from what we used to have in Hong Kong. If you want to make a genuine Hong Kong Egg Waffle, follow this recipe:
Makes 10 waffles using the small pan or 5 using the Nordic pan:
140g/1.5 cup cake flour
7.5g/2 tsp baking powder
14g/1 tbsp custard powder
28g/3 tbsp tapioca flour
2 eggs
140g/3/4 cup sugar
28g/2 tbsp milk
140g/2/3 cup water
28g/2 tbsp vegetable oil
1) Lightly beat the egg with sugar. Add water and milk.
2) Sift all the dry ingredients together and add to the egg mixture. Blend well.
3) Add the oil and whisk until well blended.
4) Rest for an hour. (Optional: add chopped chocolate chips or green tea powder for a different taste)
5) Heat the pan and lightly spray oil on it. Use low heat. Pour the batter onto the pan. Cover and flip it over. Cook for about a minute. Again, turn to the other side for another minute.
6) Carefully remove it and cool on a rack before serving.
1) It is important to heat up the pan and then spray oil before pouring the batter in, otherwise it will stick to the pan.
2) The batter will expand a little bit. Pouring too much will make a mess. It takes practice to make a good looking waffle.
3) Leftovers can be reheated in a toaster oven for a crispy and crunchy snack.
4) Custard powder can be found in
World Market. If it is not available, substitute it with 1 tsp pure vanilla extract.
Recipe adapted from
I Love Cake.
感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料
Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/