Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies 雙重朱古力曲奇

Phoebe 於 2013-06-06 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 590

two versions of cocoa powder
What is your criteria for the perfect cookie? I like cookies that are crisp around the edges and chewy in the middle. If you also like this texture, then make sure you use brown sugar in the recipe. Your choice of sugar will affect the end result.

In making this double chocolate chunk cookies, I like to spice up the chocolate flavor by adding cocoa powder in addition to chocolate chunks. Instead of using the common natural cocoa powder (like Hershey's), I used the alkalized version which is milder, less bitter, darker and more intense in flavor. Cocoa powder is made by removing much of the cocoa butter from the chocolate liquor after the bean is fermented and roasted. The resulting powder is acidic in nature. The Dutch invented a method using alkalies to raise the pH, making it more soluble, less harsh and darker in color. Most European cookbooks prefer this type of cocoa powder.

I used the recipe from Thomas Keller's Bouchon Bakery, which is famous for its cookies.

6/19/13 Update: Fresh off the press: a study by a professor from Penn State University, which is published in European Journal of Nutrition (click here to read the report) showed that cocoa may help obese people fight diabetes and reduce body weight.



makes about 12 cookies

190g all purpose flour 普通麵粉
1/2 tsp baking soda 梳打粉
1 tsp kosher salt 鹽
134g dark brown sugar 黃糖
12g molasses 糖蜜 (有別於蜂蜜糖)
104g sugar 白糖
107g dark chocolate chunks, 70-72% 黑朱古力
48g alkalized cocoa powder 鹼性可可粉
167g unsalted butter, room temperature 牛油
1 large egg 蛋

1)  Combine flour, salt, baking soda and cocoa powder in a bowl. Set aside.
2)  Put brown sugar, molasses and sugar in another bowl and mix until there are no lumps.
3)  Cream the butter in the bowl of a stand mixer until it looks like mayonnaise.
4)  Add the sugar mixture and mix for 3-4 minutes until fluffy. Scrape down the sides of the bowl.
5)  Add the egg and mix for 20-30 seconds until combined.
6)  Add the flour in two additions, mixing on low for 15-30 seconds after each.
7)  Add the chocolate chunks and mix until combined, then refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes.
8)  Preheat oven to 325 F. Divide the dough into 12 portions and roll each one into a ball. Put each ball with adequate space in between onto a baking sheet and bake for 16-18 minutes or until golden brown.



感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料

Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/


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