I have never been to Japan, but I know that the dairy from Hokkaido is very famous. They have a special kind of beef which can fetch more than $20/pound. Although I don't have the privilege to try the beef, I still can make the bread recipe that derived from Hokkaido ! You can, too !
Japanese light cheese cake and honey cake are pretty popular and delicious as well...
Ahhh! Nothing compares to the aroma of freshly baked bread !
Hokkaido Milk Toast
make a 9x4 inch loaf
297g bread flour
47g sugar
4g salt
6g instant yeast
1 large egg
33g whipping cream
30g milk
27g unsalted butter, softened
100g Tong Zhong: 16g bread flour in 83g water, use low heat until a paste is formed. Remove from heat and let it cool.
1) Mix all the ingredients, except butter, and knead for 10-15 minutes. Add butter and knead for a few more minutes.
2) Let it rise in a warm place until doubles.
3) Take out and shape.
4) Put the dough into an oiled pan and let it rise in a warm place until it rises about an inch above the rim. Brush the top with egg wash.
5) Bake in a preheated 350
⁰F oven for about 35 minutes.
6) Unmold and cool on a rack completely before slicing.
Recipe from
The Bread Doctor by Yvonne Chan
Note: for a more detail instruction of making bread, refer to
Tong Zhong Bread
297g 高筋粉
47g 糖
4g 鹽
6g 即溶酵母
1隻 大蛋
33g 奶油
30g 牛奶
27g 無鹽牛油,室温軟化
100g 湯種:16g 麵粉加83g水,加熱成糊狀,熄火待凉。
1) 將所有材料攪勻(牛油除外),搓至有筋,大約十至十五分鐘,加牛油,再搓多幾分鐘。
2) 放在温暖處發酵至一、兩倍大。
3) 取出整型。
4) 焗盤塗油,放入麵糰作第二次發酵,直至高出盤邊約一寸高,掃蛋水。
5) 放入已預熱至350⁰F焗爐焗35分鐘。
6) 取出立刻脫模,待完全冷後便可切片。
感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料
Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/