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謝至德攝影展 《朝不保殖》
The Colonial Expired
photography exhibition by ChiTak
回歸十年使我感受到自己的身份起了變化...... 但是偏見和懷疑的態度背後,我們對中國的理解又有多少呢?
years after, many changes were felt......I just want to raise a
question amidst the prejudice and doubt:how much did we know about China
in the past years?
地點 Venue
G/F, 23 Sau Wa Fong, St. Francis St., Wanchai
開幕酒會 Opening Reception
2007.12.28 (6-8 pm)
日期 Date
2007.12.28 ﹣2008.1.26
開放時間 Opening Hours
2-9 pm (Tue to Sun)
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無常 : 256 《朝不保殖》至德 攝影展
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