
hkavmode 於 2009-02-17 14:09:35 發表  |  累積瀏覽 1564


數碼相片, 經常被人誤解, 認為數碼相片多數依賴後制才可以, 其實大家所謂的後制, 很大部份只是調整光暗, 對比, 銳化等等這些表面的後制~
當大家爭論不休時, 出版業界由傳統到數碼的演進, 自己已訂下了一套的準測, 來衡量新聞相片的"真"
大家可以參考, 如何厘定一張數碼相所可以後制的範圍, 當然只作真實的一方面制定, 而藝術創作的一方面, 是不用考慮的
原則內, 還有一些攝影記者的守則, 大家都可以在平常街攝上應用~
資料來源 : http://bbs3.dpnet.com.cn/bbs/DPbbslist/Topic_862_1636594.html

Photoshop is a highly sophisticated image manipulation programme. We use only a tiny part of its potential capability to format our pictures, crop and size them and balance the tone and colour.
Materially altering a picture in Photoshop or any other image editing software will lead to dismissal.

1.No additions or deletions to the subject matter of the original image.
thus changing the original content and journalistic integrity of an image.
2.No excessive lightening, darkening or blurring of the image.
thus misleading the viewer by disguising certain elements of an image.
3.No excessive colour manipulation.
thus dramatically changing the original lighting conditions of an image.

1.Only minor Photoshop work should be performed in the field.
(Especially from laptops) We require only cropping, sizing and levels with resolution set to 300dpi. Where possible, ask your regional or global picture desks to perform any required further Photo-shopping on their calibrated hi-resolution screens. This typically entails lightening/darkening, sharpening, removal of dust and basic colour correction.
2.When working under prime conditions, some further minor Photo-shopping (performed within the above rules) is acceptable.
This includes basic colour correction, subtle lightening/darkening of zones, sharpening, removal of dust and other minor adjustments that fall within the above rules. Reuters recommendations on the technical settings for these adjustments appear below.  The level of Photoshop privileges granted to photographers should be at the discretion of the Chief/Senior Photographers within the above guidelines. All photographers should understand the limitations of their laptop screens and their working environments.
這 些包括基本的顏色校準,部分區域輕微地調亮/調暗、銳化、去除污點以及其他在以上規則下進行的細微調整。路透社對於這些技術設定的推薦如下:攝影記者所能 使用Photoshop程度的權限需要由首席攝影記者/高級攝影記者來處理。所有的攝影記者都必須理解他們筆記本電腦以及工作環境的局限性。

Photographers should trust the regional and global pictures desks to carry out the basic functions to prepare their images for the wire.  All EiCs and sub editors from regional and the global desks will be trained in the use of Photoshop by qualified Adobe trainers to a standard set by senior pictures staff.  The photographer can always make recommendations via the Duty Editor. Ask the desk to lighten the face, darken the left side, lift the shadows etc. Good communication with the desk is essential.
攝 影記者必須信任地區編輯室以及全球編輯室來通過一些基本功能來準備他們的照片。地區和全球編輯者的主編和助理編輯都會接受Adobe培訓師的訓練使其達到 資深影像專家所確定的標準。攝影記者可以向編輯提出建議。要求編輯調亮人物臉部、調暗左側、消除陰影等。與編輯室的良好交流非常必要。

1. Cloning, Healing or Brush Tools are not to be used. The single exception to this rule is sensor dust removal. The cloning tool will only be used below the 100 pixels radius setting. Unless performed on a well-calibrated screen under good working conditions we strongly recommend photographers to request dust removal by pictures desks.
2. Saturation should not be used. It affects image quality and cannot be judged well on a laptop screen and adds nothing more than what can be achieved in levels.
色相/飽和度工具不允許使用。牠不僅會影響圖片質量,而且在筆記本電腦的屏幕上也無法被很好的調整,更重要的相對於色階調整的效果而言, 它並沒有什麼特殊之處。
3. Colour Balance adjustment should be kept to the minimum, especially on laptop screens which tend to have a blue dominance.
4. Levels should only be adjusted to the start points of the histogram graph on both shadows and highlights.
5. Auto Levels should not be used.
6. The Burn Tool in most cases should only used to subtly darken areas that have been overexposed. When the burn tool is used in shadows a visible element of everything that can be seen in the raw file must remain visible.
7. Highlights and Shadows can be toned by using the selective highlights tool, a feather of 25-30 and then adjusted in curves.
8. The Lasso Tool should not be used when using a laptop to file pictures. It is essential that great care is taken with this tool to avoid the ‘halo’ effect which is produced when the feathering is too great and the tonal change ‘bleeds over’ into the unselected zone. Likewise, not enough feathering will produce a vivid jagged edge to the lasso area. Typically a feathering setting of between 5 and 20 pixels is used, depending on the size and positioning of the zone. Again we strongly recommend this is handled by desks.
套 索工具在使用筆記本電腦來編輯圖片時不允許使用。使用此工具的時候應儘量避免由於過度羽化而導緻的“暈輪”傚應,從光調變化“漸進”至那些沒有選擇的區 域。類似的,不足的羽化則會導緻套索邊緣區域出現明顯的鋸齒。通常情況下,5~10象素的羽化應當根據照片中調整區域的大小和位置來使用。再次申明,我們 強烈建議由編輯室來進行處理。
9. The Eye Dropper can be used on a neutral gray area to set colour. But is dependent on the quality of the computer screen to determine if you are in fact seeing a real gray!
取色器工具隻能通過灰點來設置顏色,但是此舉取決於電腦屏幕的質量事實上是否能夠讓妳看到真正的灰色 。
10. Sharpening should be set at zero (0) in the camera. Pictures may then be sharpened by 300% at a radius of 0.3, threshold 0, in Photoshop.
11. No selective area sharpening should be done.
Third-party Sharpening Plug-ins is not permitted.
12. Third-party Noise-Reduction Plug-ins should be avoided but are acceptable if Chief Photographers are convinced they are being used properly.
13. Camera Settings, in particular saturation (and Image Styles in the Canon 5D) should be set to “standard” with the exception of in-camera sharpening which should be turned OFF. The Color setting Adobe RGB is the Reuters standard.
相機設置的特殊色相(例如佳能5D下的照片模式中)應該選擇“標準”,而相機內的銳化功能應該選擇關閉。Abode RGB是路透標準的顏色設置。
14. Multiple-Exposure pictures must be clearly identified in the caption and drawn to the attention of pictures desks before transmission.

1. Reuters photographers, staff and freelance, must not stage or re-enact news events. They may not direct the subjects of their images or add, remove or move objects on a news assignment. Our news photography must depict reality. Any attempt to alter that reality constitutes fabrication and can lead to disciplinary action, including dismissal.
路 透社的攝影記者,無論是專職還是自由攝影記者,都絕不允許擺佈或重新導演新聞事件,絕不允許在拍攝過程中擺佈被攝對象或者添加、刪除以及移動被攝對象。路 透社的新聞圖片必鬚還原新聞事件發生時的真實場景。任何一種試圖改變這種真實場景的行為將被視為捏造事實,攝影記者將因此受到包括解僱在內的相應懲罰。
2. Photographers may direct the subjects of portraits, formal interviews and non-news feature images needed to illustrate a story. The caption must not mislead the reader into believing these images are spontaneous.
3. The presence of the media can often influence how subjects behave. When the behavior shown is the result of the media’s presence, our captions must make that clear.  If photographers from outside Reuters orchestrate or set up scenes, it is still a set-up. 
4. The best news photography occurs when the presence of the camera is not noticeable. Photographers should be as unobtrusive as possible to avoid influencing events and consider using long lenses.
5. Composite images that show the progression of an event (e.g. lunar eclipse, time lapse) must indicate the technique in their captions. They are never acceptable in a news assignment. Captions must also make clear when a specialty lens (e.g. lens babies, tilt-shift lenses) or a special technique (e.g. soft focus, zooming) has been used to create an image in portraiture or on a features assignment.
當 用合成照片表現某類特殊事件(如日食、月食或者連續畫面)的過程時,必須在圖片說明中交代所使用的特殊攝影技法。在常規新聞事件的報道中,禁止使用這類特 殊攝影技法。人物肖像和特寫故事的圖片說明必須交代所使用的特殊鏡頭(如寬角轉換鏡頭lens babies, 移軸鏡tilt-shift lenses),或技法(如柔焦、變焦)。


1. Just as our news photographs must reflect reality, so too should our captions. They must adhere to the basic Reuters rules of accuracy and freedom from bias and must answer the basic questions of good journalism.  Who is in the picture? Where was it taken? When was it taken? What does it show? Why is a subject doing a particular thing?
2. They generally consist of a single sentence but a second sentence should be added if additional context or explanation is required.
3. Contentious information, like death tolls in conflict, must be sourced. The caption must explain the circumstances in which a photograph was taken and state the correct date.
4. Captions must not contain assumptions by the photographer about what might have happened, even when a situation seems likely. Explain only what you have witnessed. All other information about an event must be sourced unless you are certain of your information.
5. Captions also should not make assumptions about what a person is thinking e.g. England captain David Beckham ponders his future after his team was knocked out of the World Cup soccer finals ... Stick to what the photo shows and what you know.

Sensitive Images in Controlled Environments(特殊控製情況下的敏感照片):
Some of our photographs are taken under controlled conditions in which photographers cannot operate freely. This is particularly true during conflicts and in countries where the media’s movements are restricted. Such photographs must say if the image was taken during an organized or escorted visit unless the photographer was truly free to work independently.

Photo Opportunities(拍攝機會):
Reuters does not stage news photos. Sometimes, subjects may strike an artificial pose, such as at a product launch, a show business event or a sports victory ceremony or when requested to do so to illustrate a feature. In some circumstances, such as during demonstrations, civil unrest, street celebrations or conflict, the presence of photographers and television crews may prompt subjects to act abnormally.
These images should be few and can be clichés. They must be clearly captioned to show the reader that the actions are not spontaneous and to explain the context.

To Recap(再次說明)

Adjustment of Levels to histogram limits
Minor colour correction
Sharpening at 300%, 0.3, 0
銳化300%, 0.3, 0
Careful use of lasso tool
Subtle use of burn tool
Adjustment of highlights and shadows
Eye dropper to check/set gray

Additions or deletions to image
Cloning & Healing tool (except dust)
Airbrush, brush, paint
Selective area sharpening
Excessive lightening/darkening
Excessive colour tone change
Auto levels
Eraser tool
Quick Mask
In-camera sharpening
In-camera saturation styles


感謝 hkavmode 提供以上資料
hkavmode 的網誌: http://hkavmode.blogspot.hk/

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