Early Xmas Party with dear Frs 【Rosedale Hotel@Skyzone】

Menty_Yu 於 2012-12-23 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 630

分類:自助餐 ;地區:銅鑼灣


Xmas is following this weekend, but do you have a feeling that this Xmas is coming too SLOW? The Xmas commercial promotion is coming earlier year by year and, my first Xmas party was in early December this year, invited by my dear teacher, Dr. Eric.

聖誕聚餐選在銅鑼灣的Rosedale酒店,位於33樓的SkyZone Restaurant,酒店不算位於銅鑼灣中心,夾在舊樓與商務樓中間的酒店不是太好找,33樓的西餐廳提供長形空間。步出電梯門便是餐廳自助餐取食區,生猛海鮮一眼看盡,繞過屏風便是一字排開的熱食區以及甜品飲品區,自助餐的陣容屬於小型;雖是週末的晚市時間但上座率並不高,餐廳播緊輕鬆溫馨的聖誕歌,再加之滿天星的銀色燈飾,整個氣氛寧靜而浪漫,非常適合想要找個安靜地方慶祝聖誕的人群。滿地柔軟的地氈配上低位的沙發卡座,靠著落地窗的那一整排沙發位是最佳觀景區域,轉個頭便能將銅鑼灣的繁榮盡收眼底。

Xmas dinner is booked in SkyZone Restaurant on the 33th floor of Rosedale Hotel, located in Causeway Bay. The hotel is not easy to find since it is hidden between blocks of buildings and, not in the center of Causeway Bay. The restaurant is not big either; the buffet area is just one step distance to the door of elevator. Just step out and see all seafood and, hot dishes, desserts and drinks are behind. Not full that night, so it gives you a really quite and warm environment with light Xmas songs and 'bling bling' lights. It's really a ideal place for those wants a quite and relax place for Xmas dinner. The best location in restaurant is, undeniably, the soft sofa area along the windows with a bird-view of Causeway Bay, enjoying the lights outside.



I don't feel a little surprise that there's little feedback about this restaurant on openrice, after I checked related page online; the main reason is obvious for limited buffet scale and fair quality of foods. BUT it still has several impressive points. The most impressive one is American Oyster, big & fresh, and you can take as you wish, NO LIMITED. In the seafood count, they have Oyster, Salmon, Sea Bream, Arctic Surf Clams, Shrimp; I admit space is really small, but seafood is above the average quality.

Of course everyone has a lot American oysters that night. Each one has the same size as a girl's palm and super fresh with a thin layer of water-like liquid. It tastes soft and smooth with light sea taste, but you will not feel too salty, too fishy; you will find it a little sweet, but as a whole, it's light. I like to have some sauce, which has a balance between sauce and original taste of seafood. It is really a right recommend that night.


The overall quality of Sashimi that night is not bad, especially Arctic Surf Clams which are fresh, of course, sweet; while I had a lot smoked salmon from cold counter. Compared to fresh salmon, smoked one tastes softer and, greasier for the fish oil coming out after slightly cooked. The light smoked taste is also maintained on a public-accepted level.


Cheese is a must item in a buffet for me; my love to cheese could be described as blindness! I just read a book about world cheese, but forget those categorization once I close the book; that's why I say my love of cheese is 'Blindness'. That night, two kinds of soft cheese is provided and, I promise you are familiar to both. I prefer the aedes cheese which is semi-molten inside giving you a moist feeling; it is full of milky fragrance; the other one has stronger taste and a little more salty with a light powder feeling after you chew it.


They provide nearly 10 choices in hot counter, most are meat. You could see traditional Chinese hot dish like pineapple pork or, some East Asia style like BBQ beef or chicken and red curry mussels; they also have fried chicken and Italian Lasagna; what's special? You could find in front of the server, who cuts the beef meat and smoked ham for you. Personally, red curry mussels and Lasagna are two good choices to me; the curry is not that local taste but it tastes spicy enough with fresh mussels and, I really appreciate the cheese in Lasagna; others are all ok. The beef is semi-cooked with a fresh pink color in the center; it tastes lightly rough but overall is soft, even accompanied with sauce beef still tastes sweet. The smoked ham has an outstanding taste of "smoked smell", but it seems to be too soft.


Mushroom soup as a western soup performs well for it is just 'al dante' taste. The soup looks very thick and creamy but actually it's with a strong and nice taste of cream and mushroom meanwhile you will not feel too greasy or be full too early. Anyway, it's a soup to make you warm.



Desserts and Drinks are at the same area; cold drink includes two juice and hot ones are coffee & lemon tea, very simple. That night the chocolate fountain is under-maintenance, so very unfortunately we could not play with it. Restaurant also prepares two special cakes with cute animal-like decoration for Xmas.

They have jelly, brulee, cakes like cheese cake, tiramisu, chocolate sponge cake. I think the dessert count is really weak among the whole offerings, and the quality of desserts is really fair. I will not recommend any one from dessert count except brulee. At least, it has a not bad quality with crispy top layer and egg pudding is just a little over sweet. 

餐廳: 星域餐廳酒廊 SkyZone Restaurant and Lounge
地址: 銅鑼灣信德街8號珀麗酒店33樓

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