Saying something about COFFEE DRINKS

Menty_Yu 於 2012-12-21 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 630


對於一個不懂咖啡的人而言,大街小巷“插旗”的連鎖cafe 無論是美式亦或是所謂的歐式,其實沒有多大的分別,除了比較不同的價格,選用品質不同的咖啡豆而調出的口味,以及五花八門的“飲品式”口味,別他。

To describe the subtle relationship between me and COFFEE, it's like "He knows me but I don't know him." Thinking than most of coffee-lovers are just like me, not coffee-addicted, not coffee-expertise, not with any side-effect caused by coffee or to say caffeine. I'd like to define coffee as a kind of drink among our daily category; it could be a snack, a medicine for refreshing, a signal of in-style? in-fashion? To a layman of coffee art, to chose which coffee seller has nothing to do with American-style or European-style, except price, flavor and, special flavors it offers.

一杯咖啡的價錢暫且估值$35(S/R/T/12oz) 就算以0.8X的匯率轉換成人民幣,也不是每個人每天都能支付得起的,不得不承認的殘酷事實,想想那些山區里每日行miles才能上到學的孩子們吧,生活在城市的里的【某些】孩子們也沒必要“打腫臉充胖子”硬是用能夠買到一份lunch的血汗錢(父母的)去買一杯填補了肚子的“精神食糧”。(以上純屬牢騷話)

Roughly estimating the value of one 12oz-size coffee, maybe white coffee or latte without any additional flavor,  it costs $35; even I changed it by something 80% currency to RMB, it is not a kind of product which all individual could afford daily, just thinking about those children living in mountain region who walk miles for school. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended those urban-children to buy this "spiritual food" instead of a normal lunch by the same amount of money, especially which is earned by your parents. 



Most will choose ice-cream when they are passing by Haggen Dazs stores, I think. $35 one ball, $52 two balls, is not a cheap deal; actually, you will recognize they offers other H/C drinks as well. The most eye-catching flavors are Belgium Chocolate Coffee & Bailey Cream Coffee. In the process, it needs three big balls of Bailey-flavor ice-cream; to do a simple maths, one cold coffee drink just cost you $48 with three ice-cream balls and additional coffee and cream, instead of $62 for simply three balls; really a good deal, right? Plus, the appearance combined with thick pure cream and brown ice-cream is really awesome!

Open it, that cloud-like or marshmallow-like cream tastes lightly sweet, thick but really smooth; not that heavy, so it will not be greasy. The Bailey-flavor ice-cream ball is really like a baby sleeping in one white and soft cream scarf; the outside has molten into the coffee, while in the middle, it still stays solid. It tastes really smooth and silky with super little smoothie; Bailey flavor is impressive but not over-strong in the first several spoons, then the flavor fades away. The ball is melting at a really surprised speed, thus you will enjoy a mixed-flavor cold drink with coffee, cream and Bailey after you finish half ball.

Agnes b. & Habitu 都有供應加入茶元素的特別口味,想來像我一樣鍾意玫瑰拿鐵的也不在少數;個人更是第一口就覺出兩個品牌在處理同一類special flavor上的不同態度。A品牌的Rose Latte更突出烘焙咖啡豆的香氣,注重咖啡原來的口味,玫瑰的香味與甜蜜融入每一絲拿鐵中,鮮奶的溫潤,咖啡的焦香,玫瑰花瓣的甜蜜,三位一體,整體感較為突出。

H品牌的Rose Latte 完全以玫瑰強烈的花香做主導(是不是加入玫瑰精油的關係?),無論是聞著亦或是飲著都是以玫瑰結合牛奶而營造出的法式花海的幻覺,喝這杯咖啡好似能帶來正能量,一掃陰霾,相信牛奶的比例也有略微調高以至於大大中和掉了咖啡原本的那種清苦,口感則更為溫潤與綿密,濃濃的花香中奶香也絲毫不遜色,甜度也較大,而最後僅剩可用“絲絲”二字來形容的咖啡。H除了著名的玫瑰拿鐵,也有烏龍、伯爵茶等以茶入咖啡的口味,也有試過伯爵茶的口味,因伯爵茶本身就不如玫瑰那般芳香,雖于咖啡也頗合拍,但調配處的口味則顯得更為清淡些,反倒讓奶味搶了風頭。

Both Agnes b and Habitu offer tea-added coffee as special choices; believing that many people just like me have a special preference to Rose Latte; there's big difference between two brands on the creation of rose-flavor coffee. A-brand emphases on baked beans fragrance and the taste of origin coffee; moist of milk, baked taste of coffee and sweet rose, are combined as one. A sip as a whole.

H-brand is guided by strong rose flavor (add rose essential?); whatever smell or taste, you could both image a French-style flower sea by this mixed rose and milk. This Rose Latte seems to bring you positive energy to take away your sadness and bad emotion. Personally guessing the proportion of milk is a little higher, overwhelming the flavor of coffee. It tastes really smooth with balanced flavor of milk and rose, sweeter, and with a little coffee image. Actually, H-brand has another three tea-related special coffee, such as Earl Grey and Olong. I tried Earl Grey Latte before; since earl grey tea has lighter fragrance and flavor than rose, it tastes much lighter. Interestingly, lighter tea and coffee lose their performance to milk at last.


Caramel Toffee Latte is the "must-buy" among Xmas specials of Starbucks; it also has a large fans group. I consider it as a good flavor which is like you put a bottle of sugar inside. It absolutely gives away coffee concept to be a pure sweet drink. Each sip gives you a caramel sweet like milk candy is melting in your mouth. What's special is the crispy caramel layer on the top of smooth cream.

Pacific Coffee Company 可算是我消費最頻繁的咖啡品牌(學校咖啡的關係)也幾乎嘗邊其所有不同口味的咖啡、朱古力、牛奶飲品。PC的咖啡豆,說句良心話,個人不太欣賞,喝一杯濃縮咖啡或是美式黑咖,滿口便都是酸與苦。喝的最多的是拿鐵,奶泡通常都打得較稀,好在奶的比例正常,不至於太淡或太濃;摩卡的味道不錯,不會甜的好似朱古力,仍然保持到一定口味的咖啡甘苦;雲呢拿、焦糖以及榛子三款甜度升級的咖啡中,以榛子拿鐵甜度最高,口味與焦糖相仿,均有些好似太妃糖的甜蜜之感,雲呢拿拿鐵順滑而香甜。

The most frequently-consuming brand is Pacific Coffee Company for campus cafe reason, thus I nearly tried all products they have from beverage to food. PC's coffee beans, to be honest, I'm not satisfied with. A cup of espresso or Americano could turn your mouth to a acid and bitter world. I have latte most; the cream is normally thin, especially under the condition of long queue, fortunately the proportion of milk is ok. Mocha is good, not like a chocolate drink, and keeps some coffee flavor inside. Vanilla, Caramel and Hazelnut is three sweeter coffee drinks; Hazelnut tastes similar to Caramel, both with a similar flavor of toffee candy, but former one is a little sweeter. Vanilla tastes really smooth and milky, which is a good choice. 


感謝 Menty Yu 提供以上資料

Menty Yu的網誌: http://mentyinhk.blogspot.hk/


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