I like Sean Penn: Would you like to have more milk?

亞熱帶 於 2009-02-26 09:54:56 發表  |  累積瀏覽 298



Sean Penn is a great actor and also director.

Great actor: because of Harvey Milk

Great director: because of

And my most favourite quote in the film is “If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.”

Anybody who says that homosexuals are abnormal or sick, should watch this film and reveal the life history of Harvey Milk. And I can’t stop thinking of the recent movement about 家暴條例 in HK……We need to keep communicating with each other, within a public sphere. We need an open discussion to avoid any polarization between the two camps of opponents and proponents of this ordinance.

And I definitely like this script

How do you teach homosexuality? Like French? I was born of heterosexual parents, I was taught by heterosexual teachers in a fiercely heterosexual society. So when why am I homosexual? And no offense meant, but if it were true that children mimicked their teachers, you’d sure have a helluva lot more nuns running around.

And finally I find this.

Emile Hirsch = Cleve Jones(Milk) = Chris McCandless(Into the Wild)



More to read:

milk: there is a light that never goes out

《Milk 夏菲米克的時代》: 被迷人笑容的男友打動

感謝 亞熱帶 提供以上資料
亞熱帶 的網誌: http://loong5.wordpress.com/

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