
Peter_Yau 於 2013-09-12 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 589


可能我是個「完美主義者」, 搬家後一直還在裝修門面, 總想先把新博頁的微細問題徹底解決才開始正式寫博文。連日來看到不少網友仍在摸索中, 聽到他/她們"叫苦連天", 感同身受。 想起自己開新網址時的徬徨無助, 及後托賴眾好友不吝賜教, 最後終於解決了不少問題。

大部份的朋友的網頁可能已經設計完善, 但相信仍有一些網友還在摸索中。為免他/她們走冤枉路, 我現在將日來網友給我的"貼士"列出如下跟大家分享。希望有助大家解決疑難。


To change the title and subtitiles, please go to your new blog "新入伙" and click on the tab "設計" on the top right corner of the page.
Then it will show you some options including "設定" on the left hand column of the page. Click on it and then click "基本" then "標题" will show up. Click "標题" and you can start changing the title to the one that you want. You could also check the appropriate tab for subtitle and amend it accordingly.

1. Go to your blog page and click 設計at the top right hand corner.
2. Click 版面配置
3. Check if 標頭 is correct, if not click 编輯 to amend it.
4. If you want to add a picture in your page design, please do so in the section 圖片under 標頭  and click 编輯. You can then upload pictures you like from your computer to decorate your blog page.
5. Then click 预覽 to preview the layout.
6. If everything looks OK, please click 儲存排列方式 to complete the process.

1) 先去blog. 按右上角「設計.
2) 新頁左欄「版面配置.
3) 新頁去按範本設計工具.
4) 新頁上左menu 選「調整寬度」
5) 新頁頂有bar可以拖動配校版面寬度.


由於回應「驗證碼」難於辨認, 往往造成回應時諸多困擾。因此建議大家一定要消除驗證碼, 方便回應。步驟如下"
先去首頁右上角 "設定" "文章和留言" "顯示字詞驗證" 設成: ""
記住回到 右上方按→ "儲存設定" (任何變改都要"儲存設定")

是一項追踪功能、你在我那些會員頭像處登入、 就會出現你的icon、別人就辨識到你了! 在你 blog 裡要create這項目才有顯示的! 方法如下:
主頁面按"設計" ~ "版面配置"、出現版面構圖、各處都有一些"新增小工具"
先從的27個工具入手; 逐一看有哪些合用就剔!
我是挑了第2個的追蹤者[+], 然後按這件工具的[儲存];.
記住: 每挑一個, 也要按儲存。
最後、還要記得在 [ 版面配置 ] 的版面 右上角按[儲存排列方式], 才叫完成。 否則冇save到又要重做.

blog 主頁 右上角按 "設計" 入去選→ "設定" "語言和格式" "時區" 、把時區改為 "香港"

How to create departments for blog subjects

Please do the following:
1. Go to one of your old blogs and click edit.
2. On the top right hand corner, you will see 標籤,click on it and you will see a rectangular area.
3. Please input the name of the category that you would like to group this blog under.
4. After you have enter the name, please make sure to save the blog or post it.
5. Repeat step 1 to 4 for other blogs and enter the name of category name accordingly.
6. If you want the blog categories to appear on the right hand section of your blog page like what you have seen on my blog, please click on 设計 at top right hand corner.
7. Click 版面設計 and pick the 設計小工具 on the right hand side of the blog page and add 標籤。You can move the position of the tabs up and down simply by moving the pointer of your mouse.
8. After completing your design of your blog page, please view your design and if you are happy with the design remember to click 套用新版面 to save it.

1. "版面配置"
2. 在「標頭位置按"編輯"
3. delete舊圖片
4. 上載新圖片前,要在「位置
     a. 輸入標題和說明之後>
     b. 縮減以符合版面>
5. 然後才上載圖片
6. 儲存。

B) Header不見了, 解決方法如下:
1. "範本"
2. "自訂"
3. 再選左面的 "進階"
4. 拉左面的scroll bar 到最後,然後選 "新增CSS"
5. 將以下code 貼在空格上
   #header-inner {width: 1000px !important;}
6. 應該可以看到下方的BLOG回復正常
7. 按左上方 "套用至網誌"


在要找BUTTON DEFAULT,先要啟動「Google+留言功能
1. 左上角選「設計
2. 右方選 「Google+
3. 在「您的Google+」「設定內選"為這個網誌啟用Google+留言功能

設定後, 留言紀錄的上方有一個BUTTON, DEFAULT "熱門留言"
便可選 "由新到舊"了。不過每次都要按,才會以此做SORTING.

Blogspot不似Yahoo Blog那麼user friendly可以憑擊點網友頭像馬上進入對方的網頁。解決此問題方法之一是先在<我的最愛>開一個檔案, 命名例如「網友捷徑」。第一次拜訪網友, 當打開了網友網頁時, 先把對方的網誌加入我的至愛>, 然後用<組織我的的最愛>將剛錄得的網誌轉移至「網友捷徑」。以後只需一click此檔便可見所有收錄的網址, 隨意選友一click便可進入, 方便快捷。

Edit blog、與編寫新blog一樣、都在"撰寫文章" 那頁進行。
1) blog主頁右上角按「設計, 再在頁上端按「更多」 , 彈出菜單時選「blogger, 會帶你進入資訊頁, 你會看到一行例如這樣的字句:

網頁瀏覽次數:1563 -- 4 篇文章前次發佈時間:2013/9/12 

3) 接著移動鼠標至需改動的文章標題處, 你會看到彈出一行選擇: <編輯 | 檢視 | 分享 | 刪除>
4) Click「編輯」, 你便馬上進入有關的文章。這時可以隨意修改。修改後切記去右上角按「更新」作儲存 (這個非常重要)
記住: 任何"設計、改動"之後都要儲存, 否則改了等於白做。

Change your personal information at Google+:

1)  go to the Google+ front page - by clicking the little red icon with white g+just under your big icon on the right of this page or any similar red icon on the page
2) pushing the scrolling bar at the right edge of the screen  up to reveal your icon on the right top corner
3) click the icon once
4) when a small window pops up, click the blue word「帳戶」and a window showing your personal information opens
5) click 「編輯個人資料」under your big icon
6) edit each box by clicking 「修訂」in each box corner.

1) that is the front page of this blog but you need to go to the Google+ front page - how? click the little red icon with white g+just under your big icon on the right of this page - and you go to your home page in Google+
2) put the cursor on the red g+icon on the top left corner, a list of selections drops down
3) go to and click「設定」near the bottom of the list
4) click 「個人資料與隱私權」on the left and a new window opens up
5) click the second white botton「編輯個人資料的顯示設定」and a colour box pops up
6) click on the different circles and you can go to different pages of your personal information and you can change what you want to share with the public
7) go to and click the second one on the right, you go to 「連結」
8) add your blog address to the list of things you want to share with public and click 「儲存」and its done
If you go to your Google+ front page again (by clicking any red g+icon ), you will not easily found the link of your blog. But if you click 「關於」on the white top status bar, you can easily find your blog address in the 「連結」box near the bottom. Some bloggers add their Facebook and Youtube account there as well.
I find this link of blog in the Google+ very useful when Im not at home and have to use other computers without the "my favourite list". Also, I usually check my blogs with my mobile phone and you cannot find other means to go into your blog if the link is not added to Google+. (because whenever I click your name, I only go to the front page of Google+).

2. 上面BAR"設計"
3. 右面選"版面配置"
4. 按任何一個"新增小工具", 我就揀了右方的小格。
5. 然後揀"連結清單"
•標題  (標題自定,例如"團圓"/網友捷徑...)
•在清單中顯示的連結數---保留空白以顯示所有連結 (保留空白便可以了。)
•排序  (我用字母排列的)
•新網站網址 (是網友的網址,例如:http://bole815.blogspot.hk)
•新網站名稱 (可以用網友的名,例如: Peter Yau)
6. 之後逐個BLOG址貼上,寫上名字。



感謝 Peter Yau 提供以上資料

Peter Yau的網誌: http://ckyyau.blogspot.hk/


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