Sliver Thread Roll 銀絲卷

Phoebe 於 2014-07-10 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 614


"Fun to eat and easy to make" is the best description of this dim sum bao. A variation of mantau, the sliver thread roll is made by cutting the dough into many thin strips and wrapping them together in a bundle. The most common way to enjoy it after breaking open the outer layer is to pull out and eat the threads one by one. Some people like to dip it in condensed milk. I like the deep fried version: the outer layer is crispy while the threads inside are still soft.

I have been searching for a good English translation for the name of this bread: sliced roll, bread roll, etc, but I've given up and am now using my own translation.

For a successful roll, please read the whole recipe and pay attention to the notes below.



Ingredients to make about six small rolls:

250g bleached all-purpose flour
4g instant yeast
30g sugar
125g water or milk
15g vegetable oil
pinch of salt

vegetable oil

1) Mix the flour, yeast, sugar, oil and water in a large mixing bowl until it forms a ball. Then add salt.
2) Knead the dough for a few minutes until it forms a smooth ball. Cover and let it rest for 5 minutes.
3) Divide the dough into two portions, about 155g and 265g (3:5). Cover the bigger one with a plastic wrap and set aside.
4) Use a rolling pin to roll out the smaller dough into a rectangle with a thickness of about 2mm. Dust it with cornstarch to prevent sticking.
5) Make a letter fold (see below).

6) Cut it into thin threads. Unfold and brush with cooking oil. Cut into 6 portions.

7) Divide the bigger dough into six portions. Roll out each one and put one portion of the thin threads on top of each and wrap (see below).

8) Line the steamer with parchment paper. Put the rolls in and let them rise for about 30-45 minutes at room temperature (depends how warm or cool it is).
9) Heat up the water until it boils then set a timer for 12-15 minutes and lower the heat to low.

1) Keep the amount of water/milk in the recipe at about 50% to prevent getting a wet dough. Wet dough will be sticky and the threads will not separate easily.
2) Cornstarch has a more slippery texture than regular flour. This will help to prevent the dough from sticking together.
3) Do not use too much oil in brushing the threads or it may soak the dough and discolor the final product.
4) Using bleached flour and milk will whiten the roll better than unbleached flour and water.
5) Do not over-rise the roll. Too much air in the dough will cause the roll to have air pockets which will inflate in the steamer and deflate afterwards, causing wrinkles.

1) 將麵粉、糖、酵母、油及水放大碗內攪勻成團,再放鹽。
2) 搓麵團至三光(手光、桌光及麵團光),靜待五分鐘讓麵筋鬆弛。
3) 將麵團分兩份,一大一小(5:3)。大的用保鮮紙蓋好,小的擀開成長方形,厚約兩毫米,灑上粟米粉防黏。然後對疊 (看照)。
4) 用刀切成幼絲,將幼絲展開掃油,分成六份。
5) 將大的麵團分成六份,每份擀開,包入一份幼絲(看照),包好後放入蒸籠,發酵約三十至四十五分鐘 (視乎室溫)。
6) 冷水開始開火,待水滾後將火轉小,蒸十二至十五分鐘。

1) 麵團的水份維持於50%左右,令麵團比較乾身,有助於做出一絲絲的效果。
2) 用粟米粉來防黏比麵粉更有效。
3) 不可掃太多油在已切絲的麵團上,否則蒸後不美觀。
4) 用已漂白過的麵粉及牛奶能夠蒸出比較白淨的銀絲卷。
5) 不用發酵太長時間,令麵團有過多氣孔。氣孔蒸時會膨脹,但遇冷後會收縮,形成皺紋紋現狀。
6) 要更詳細知道火力、發酵時間等對做饅頭的影響,可以點擊這裏 。


感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料

Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/


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