Matcha Ice Cream 綠茶雪糕

Phoebe 於 2014-09-11 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 563


Summer seems never end in Southern California. Mid Autumn Festival is over but it still has a few weeks before official Fall (Sept 23) arrives. This Asian flavor matcha ice cream is refreshing and full of green tea flavor. It greatly helps to relieve some summer heat.

(Ice cream base recipe reference: Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams At Home, by Jeni Bauer)

Ingredients to make about 1 quart
2 cups whole milk 全脂牛奶
1 1/4 cups heavy cream 奶油
1 tbsp+1 tsp cornstarch or tapioca starch 玉米粉或木薯粉
3 tbsp softened cream cheese 奶油芝士
1/8 tsp fine sea salt 海鹽
120g/ 2/3 cup sugar 糖
2 tbsp light corn syrup 玉米糖漿
1-1.5 tsp matcha powder 綠茶粉

1)  Take about 3 tbsp milk and mix with cornstarch or tapioca starch in a small bowl. Set aside.
2)  In another large bowl, hand whisk cream cheese with salt
3)  Put the rest of the milk, heavy cream, sugar and corn syrup in a large pot. Bring to a steady boil for 4 minutes without covering it. Adjust the heat so that it would not boil over. Remove from heat.
4)  Add the cornstarch slurry to the boiled milk mixture, stirring constantly. Return to heat for a minute with constant whisking.
5)  Pour a little of the hot milk to the cream cheese. Whisk until you have no lumps, then gradually pour in the rest.
6)  Add matcha powder and stir well. Let it cool to room temperature and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight.
7)  Churn in an ice cream machine, following the manufacturer's instruction.

1)  Whole milk is preferred over low or non-fat version in making ice cream.
2)  Do not use more than 1.5 tsp matcha powder. Too much will give the ice cream a bitter taste.
3)  If the matcha powder does not fully dissolve, a blender can help finish the job.

1) 先將約三湯匙的奶與玉米粉在一小碗内拌勻。
2) 將其餘的奶、奶油、糖及玉米糖漿放一大鍋內煑滾,不加蓋煑四分鐘,熄火。
3) 將玉米粉漿加入,邊加邊攪,再開火煑一分鐘。
4) 在另一大碗內,將奶油芝士與鹽攪至鬆軟,將熱的奶慢慢倒入,邊倒邊攪,
5) 加入綠茶粉攪勻,待冷後放雪柜至少四小時或過夜。
6) 倒入雪糕機內攪成雪糕。

1) 做雪糕要用全脂牛奶,無脂或低脂含過多水份,影響質感。
2) 綠茶粉不可放過多,會有苦澀味。
3) 如綠茶粉沒有完全溶解,可放攪拌器內攪拌。


感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料

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