Menty_Yu 於 2014-09-01 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 593


Big changes are happening to me this summer for I just re-located myself with my two sexy lovely housewives in a new huge flat (compared to the average flat size in Hong Kong...) and still in city centre. There is nothing more challenged but memorable than three girls tried to organize everything from zero, even during the hardest period that I was accidentally injured and having my stitches. But finally we made everything well, and everything goes perfectly, even our new housewarming party (I also plan to write something awesome about the party delicious we made). 

Luckily, I have one housewife very good at homemade & handmade cooking, and the other one is 'mastering' healthy & vegetarian (not include seafood nor fish) dining concept. Now I feel super confident to lose my weight and looks brighter even without intense working-out :P

The above picture is nothing special, but to my big surprise, it attracts a lot 'like' on Instagram since I posted, so that I decided to introduce this Home-made Papaya Yogurt as my first morning glory.

What you need?

  • Fresh whole milk, 1 Litre
  • Natural whole-fat yogurt in good quality, 250-300G
  • A not-too-small dry towel
  • A good closed container, at least 1 Litre capacity

Very important !!!

  • Everything WHOLE
I drink skimmed milk or at least low-fat milk when I have my daily coffee, while actually whole milk and whole-fat yogurt in good quality contributes more good nutrition and energy to your body instead of fat nor weight. Plus, to make our ideal homemade yogurt successfully and flavorsome, you better believe me.
  • Sugar LESS
Continue the topic related to 'fat' or 'getting weight', the real reason to get more fat is sugar, especially the ones from mass production. Good news is, homemade yogurt won't success if you use the yogurt with too much sugar or even with some so-called flavor, for example, vanilla, chocolate, berries... We did fail once time with 'Natural Yogurt' bought in supermarket, and you know most of Natural-labelled yogurt in HK's market is non-natural and has a lot sugar. So, how much is LESS? Check the label, 4-6g/100g sugar is perfect. And what we used each time is 3.6g/100g.

How to make it?

  • Boiling your milk with a temperature meter. Set the heating temperature around 200-250 degree and keep on stirring the milk causally. Once the temperature hits 80 degree, be carefully, the milk will go up suddenly in any time while you need to switch off the heater immediately and wait the milk to go down itself, and then switch on the heater again.
  • After about 3 times 'milk goes up - switch off the heater - milk goes down - switch on the heater' process, the milk part is done. Just leave it till it cools down to 50 degree.
  • Meanwhile you have your natural yogurt ready in the container, and once milk cools down, pull it into the container, mix them well and close the container well.
  • Use your towel to wrap the container perfectly and put it somewhere dry, warm (room temperature) and away from sunshine for 8-9 hours. We normally do it before going to bed and leave the whole night for the last step.
  • (Next morning) Take out the container and try to filter out the extra water on the top of deposited yogurt. Mix them again, close the container and put it to fridge.

Very Important Again !!!

  • You Make it or Not
To say, you make your yogurt successfully only if the natural yogurt mixed with boiled milk becomes thicker, denser and is deposited. The extra water (a little) must be on the top of deposited New Yogurt. 
  • Where's your next 1L yogurt
Don't finish all. Save around 1/4 of your homemade yogurt as the nurturing base, and just to prepare the milk, you will have another 1L yogurt. But it requests a good yogurt base, which means your yogurt is successfully thick enough. 

You already have your homemade heathy yogurt which tastes a little bit sour but nothing worse than any brand on the shelf. How about some slices of your favorite fruits, some granola or muesli, some oats or flax seeds? 

What I did is just 20 seconds! a bottom base of muesli, a thin layer of yogurt, a thin layer of whole wheat grain and the last layer of yogurt, then some fresh papaya as topping, delicious :D

Please give a LIKE to my Facebook Page !
You can also fine me on other networks through Home Page links.


感謝 Menty Yu 提供以上資料

Menty Yu的網誌: http://mentyinhk.blogspot.hk/


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