
旅行小粉絲 於 2011-04-09 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 284


剛從Celia 那邊的blog,發現了Wang Fu Production 在youtube 上發的短片… 看了幾個後,喜歡上他們的製作… 想與大家分享一下~


1. The Places We Should Have Gone

Description by Production Company (copy from youtube):

We often want second chances. Sometimes we don't deserve them. The feeling of regret and wishing for another chance is common when a couple separates. Whoever is at fault usually searches for sympathy as they have realized in hindsight their mistakes.

你有沒有試過這種感覺?女主角在夜市避見男主角的那一幕… 曾幾何時,我也試過… 到最後,你會讓他進去嗎?

2. At Musing's End (part 1/2)

Description by Production Company (copy from youtube):

Everyone daydreams. But what's in a daydream? It's a little bit of care-free imagination mixed with real life experiences- and topped off with a pinch of idealism. Sometimes the most interesting and meaningful moments we have are the everyday happenings that are easily forgettable. In the end, these moments are the true treasures that we cherish. In this short narrative, we see the evolution of Robin and Adams' romance through the highs and lows of their relationship.

At Musing's End (Part 2/2)

看過這段短片,感覺得到作者想表達的東西…一段感情的開始與終結… 兩者都可以在無聲無色之下發生…


好喜歡好喜歡這家製作公司的作品,雖然只看了這幾段,但那種感覺令人有共鳴,那種感覺好難形容,心好像有點戚戚然的… 但那不是傷心… 又有少許無奈感… 特別第二個故事,男主角因工作而冷落女角,又令我想起我那篇《不可抗力與wrong timing》,這位女角還算好,沒有大發脾氣,表現得好冷靜… 雖然成段片都是靜靜的,但有好舒服的感覺,也帶出了當日子慢慢過去,生活就會回復平靜,我們還得繼續過… 沒有大吵大鬧的分手,是因為感情已經消逝了?是有不開心的成份,無奈的感覺,但不開心過後,我們就要返回現實,好好生活~



感謝 旅行小粉絲 提供以上資料

旅行小粉絲的網誌: http://vleung0_0.mysinablog.com/


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