Menty_Yu 於 2014-09-16 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 552

分類:復活節 長線旅遊 ;地區:歐洲

Finally gotta time to continue my even-stopped Backpacker Europe Trip blogs! Let's catch up from Amsterdam and go into Germany :)

My first stop in Germany is not any big city, actually I explored the lovely countryside and little towns in northwest Germany, because my best friend's kindly housing supplement to me, and it was one of the most important and memorable Easter experience throughout the whole trip. Here you go my selected 'Top.5 To-Do List' during Easter Holiday in Germany :D


Top.1 Playing Swing

I was living in a huge house (compared to Hong Kong's) which was build up hand-by-hand by my friend's father, great papa! And guess what, the first memorable memory I gonna share with you is, I played swing in their garden :))) imaging how many years since my last playing, and even at this age, I could still play like a 7-year girl in the garden, such a great time for me.

Top.2 Gardening

Cutting grass and fixing the garden, is No.2 task I have done and my first experience to touch those gardening tools, I know it's such an incredible saying to most of westerners, while as a girl born and grow up in modern city like Shanghai; No Way for Real Gardening -)

Top.3 Easter Holiday Meal

I was introduced by my friend to her close friends living in the nearby town and it is a lovely family-friendly neighborhood. Yes, I had an incredible Easter Holiday Meal and family & friends gathering with Russian-German people. They were soooooo nice people even we could only talk in different channels, but we could always understand each other which made us laugh a lot.

It was a table of Russian salads and German roasted chicken and sausage, and I was so spoiled by the never-ever-delicious smoked cheese made by my new Russian friend. He smoked the cheese at his backyard with the Holland cheese bought from the market, and I nearly could not stop eating it. Well, result was, I was given a big package of cheese as gift :))))

Top.4 Fire Party

Due to the late sunset, the night party started around 10pm in another family's backyard which actually was a large open grassland connected with several houses and leaned on the little hill (I never climbed to the top of hill, have no idea how's the other side look like :-)

It was a great night party. Every member of each family came with benches, with wasted furnitures for fire, with liquid and wines, with children and pets... When we were there, the fire was just starting but very soon got into a big fire ball which pushes everyone stepped back. It was such a romantic and wonderful night when everyone was chatting, playing guitar, singing and dancing, playing with pets, taking photos, drinking and eating. What were the kids doing? Of course, they wouldn't be with adults! They were lying on the little hill and staring into the deep dark sky which I couldn't find anymore space for one more star!

Top.5 Easter Egg

Luckily we didn't get any hang-over the next morning, except getting up at noon :P

It was Easter egg making day, another childhood practice which of course, I have never experienced before (of course, I'm 200% Chinese, such traditional). Red, blue, yellow? That's definitely not enough for us, what we did was just create more cool colors, but anyway it was just half successful. 

To-Do List, in fact, is not that short, but I just want to keep more best moments for myself and my friends and her family. Well, for who's planning a backpacker trip somewhere and if you could live with a family (whatever your friend's or guest-house), think about how much fun and how fun you could create! :D

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感謝 Menty Yu 提供以上資料

Menty Yu的網誌: http://mentyinhk.blogspot.hk/


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