低俗IQ題 -「雞」

卡臣 於 2011-01-28 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 515


低俗IQ題 -「雞」


1. 鄉下來的妓女 =【家鄉雞
2. 乞食嘅妓女 =【乞兒雞
3. 妓女的胸脯 =【雞胸肉
4. 雛妓整餅 =【雞仔餅
5. 好潺好削的妓女 =【弱雞
6. 骨骼柔軟的妓女 =【雞軟骨
7. 妓女包養小白瞼 =【雞包仔
8. 妓女在雙腳塗上香水 =【香雞腳
9. 一聽到有妓女便起身跳舞 =【聞雞起舞
10. 一位妓女死去,另一位妓女驚叫 =【一雞死一雞嗚
11. 妓女不能跟狗隻平靜相處 =【雞犬不寧
12. 像木訥妓女般發吽逗 =【呆若木雞
13. 戲弄盲眼妓女 =【耍盲雞
14. 金三角的妓女性格獨立=【金雞獨立
15. 哥本哈根有個光頭的妓女 =【丹麥光雞
16. 一位穿絲襪的越南妓女,將湯搗落河 =【越南雞絲湯河
17. 狂野妓女所就讀的大學 =【野雞大學
18. 小學生做雛妓 =【小學雞
19. 唔夠力同妓女打 =【手無搏雞之力
20. 妓女有妓女的韻味 =【雞有雞味
21. 一位妓女在身上塗了兩隻牌子的香水 =【一雞兩味
22. 妓女用尾指調酒後拿去醫病人=【雞尾酒治療法
23. 當紅妓女殺子後,油炸屍體 =【當紅炸子雞
24. 一隻蚊子飛到一位妓女 =【一蚊一隻雞
25. 妓女記掛著一部客貨車 =【雞記客貨車
26. 年紀大的妓女只吃大大粒的米飯 =【大雞唔食細米
27. 妓女去廟宇祈福後失蹤 =【拜神唔見雞
28. 妓女有一隻毛公仔,毛公仔有一條彎曲尾巴 = 【雞公仔 尾彎彎
29. 飲醉咗的妓女捧著一個雕了花紋圖案的鐵鍋 =【花雕醉雞鍋
30. 一位清純的妓女餵客人史先生(洋名Vincent)飲湯 =【史雲生清雞湯

二少爺說:「1984年,Tina Turner講一個舞小姐的故事。」

Private Dancer - Tina Turner

well the men come in these places
and the men are all the same
you don't look at their faces
and you don't ask their names
you don't think of them as human
you don't think of them at all
you keep your mind on the money
keeping your eyes on the wall

i'm your private dancer
a dancer for money
i'll do what you want me to do
i'm your private dancer
a dancer money
any old music will do

i wanna make a million dollars
i wanna live out by the sea
have a husband and some children
yeah i guess i want a family
all the men come in these places
and the men are all the same
you don't look at their faces
and you don't ask their names

deutschmarks or dollars
american express will nicely thank you
let me loosen up your collar
tell me do you wanna see me do the shimmy again


感謝 卡臣 提供以上資料

卡臣的網誌: http://carson-chung.blogspot.hk/


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