
子貓物語 於 2011-10-25 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 417



寫信的文字,也越來越隨便,不會精心構思,文法和拼字都馬馬虎虎,連帶那些求職信也不例外。那些求職的大學生,連參考一下那些Templates(範本)也懶得做。我以前做報紙老編,就收過一封毛遂自薦,尋求在文字傳媒工作機會的信,抬頭不是Dear Editor或Dear Sir, 你猜是甚麼?

" Hi Guys " !

落在我的手上,不用說是馬上歸檔,NFA ( No further action)了。




「尺牘」 就是古人對書信的稱呼,尺牘課本就是一堆虛擬的信件,就著不同的目的而寫,例如問候長輩、向友人述近況、求借物件、求職、委託、追債等等。著作者大概是是老師宿儒,文謅謅的,用很多成語和典故;讀得多,對寫作大有幫助。

古人書信來往,要託人代為傳遞, 很不容易,所以寫信就有如寫文章一樣的認真。名家信札,可以作為文學來欣賞。近代最出名的,有曾國藩和鄭板橋的家書;坊間流行給學子研讀仿傚的,還有「雪鴻軒尺牘」和「秋水軒尺牘」等書,我節錄後者其中一段,給大家看看:


一枝甫寄,雙鯉頻頒。正切停雲,捧朵雲而心慰;欣聯今雨,同舊雨之情殷。適來二字平安,喜葉金閨之卜;何異萬金鄭重,敢遲竹報之投?且也雅什如珠, 香艷遠超班宋;高情似水,色空悟徹邯鄲。雖細雨清明,紅杏少村家之釀;而春風寒食,黃粱成客子之吟。此又達士曠懷,抑亦雅人深致。勉酬郢曲,乞運宋斤。應知哲匠之旁觀,難免小巫之氣盡。


弟讀書讀律,竊愧無成;自東自西,徒勞何補。倚閭有白頭之老,誰修定省於晨昏;爭梨失黃口之兒,空聽笑啼於夢寐。加以陌頭柳色,絲絲牽少婦之愁;因而枝上鵑聲,夜夜起王孫之感。無如一囊秋水,顧影生寒;徒使萬縷春雲,登高雪涕。爰思完聚,極意經營,憑寄南金,冀共鹿車之輓;迎來北轍,用伸烏哺之私。 計惟紅褪荷衣,劍當再合;遲則黃飄桂子,鏡見重圓。然而燕壘新營,已竭噙泥之苦;倘更鷯枝失寄,何堪無米之炊。情固出於權宜,事實嗤其孟浪。先生載將佳麗,久爲泛宅之遊;同此琴書,別有治生之樂。幸指迷之有自,知前事之可師。乞予良箴,不我遐棄。

以前的英語世界,一樣注重書信,20世紀初美國小說家Edith Wharton寫的 The Age of Innocence(拍過同名電影,Martin Scorcese導演,Michelle Pfeiffer和 Daniel Day-Lewis合演,香港譯名「心外幽情」),其中有多段是男女派僕人傳送情書的內容。

我最喜歡提到的,是詩人Robert Browning冒昧投書給老小姐詩人Elizabeth Barrett,開始熱烈追求,卒之娶她為妻(前文:英國文學史上最甜美的真實愛情故事):

    I love your verses with all my heart, dear Miss Barrett, – and this is no off-hand complimentary letter that I shall write, – whatever else, no prompt matter-of-course recognition of your genius and there a graceful and natural end of the thing: since the day last week when I first read your poems, I quite laugh to remember how I have been turning and turning again in my mind what I should be able to tell you of their effect upon me – for in the first flush of delight I thought I would this once get out of my habit of purely passive enjoyment, when I do really enjoy, and thoroughly justify my admiration – perhaps even, as a loyal fellow craftsman should, try and find fault and do you some little good to be proud of hereafter! – but nothing comes of it all – so into me has it gone, and part of me has it become, this great living poetry of your, not a flower of which but took root and grew … oh, how different that is from lying to be dried and pressed flat and prized highly and put in a book with a proper account at top and bottom, and shut up and put away… and the book called a ‘Flora’, besides!

    After all, I need not give up the thought of doing that, too, in time; because even now, talking with whoever is worthy, I can give a reason for my faith in one and another excellence, the fresh strange music, the affluent language, the exquisite pathos and true new brave thought – but in this addressing myself to you, your own self, and for the first time, my feeling rises altogether.

    I do, as I say, love these Books with all my heart – and I love you too; do you know I was once not very far from seeing – really seeing you? Mr. Kenyon said to me one morning “would you like to see Miss Barrett?” – then he went to announce me, – then he returned … you were too unwell – and now it is years ago – and I feel as at some untoward passage in my travels – as if I had been close, so close, to some world’s-wonder in chapel or crypt, … only a screen to push and I might have entered – but there was some slight… so it now seems… slight and just-sufficient bar to admission, and the half-opened door shut, and I went home my thousands of miles, and the sight was never to be!

    Well, these Poems were to be – and this true thankful joy and pride with which I feel myself.

    Yours ever faithfully
    Robert Browning




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