My arse might be kicked by somebody from Kowloon to Hong Kong Island if I dare write in English and disclose it to the world, I guess. To write in English I always think furiously recalling the spellings of the words. My English is not good enough, and I am to blame for the laziness in my young age.
English was not firmly grasped in my childhood, and I started learning it quite late in my life, probably 15 or 16. Later I went for an exchanged student program under a determination to see a great improvement. Before 15 I took it easy and didn't admit that I lagged the "normal peers" (to distinguish from my hard-of-hearing peers) in English. As I always slightly passed the English tests in my school, I just omitted the fact.
It is another story when I went to university. I spent most of my time on lovable Economics and other subjects, so that English was neglected. Anyway, this doesn't relate much to what I am chatting now. Let's get back to the topic.
Recently I was scared by the boredom in reading English novels. I wanted to have fun. As being bored in reading, it is a good idea to do writing. I was again scared, then. How terrible it was when I tried, for not exams and other practical reasons!
A fish out of water has to learn how to breathe all over. It seems to me that all the oxygen in the air is replaced by falt-gas (The Nazis had it in the war) and I am just not able to breathe, while English comes into it. But I must agree that I am always scared...
Anyway, it is not to prove how bad my English is but to make myself focus on it. Since I got to have direction in my life, learning a foreign language could be one. Never hurt to try.
Welcome to indicate any mistakes if you like.
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