Menty_Yu 於 2014-10-01 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 624

分類:1天短線 長線旅遊 餐廳 ;地區:澳門

Macau Macau!!! Tarts Tarts!!! Every time talking about Macau, I just cannot stop to miss those lovely palm-size tarts; freshly made, hot-hot, crispy-layered, sweet or savory, and fatty-fatty :D (Com-on, all delicious food in this world would not be a 'healthy & non-fat' item!!!)

I was so happy about my last weekend holiday in Macau, which at least freed me a full afternoon and night plus a short morning to explore the real local Macau foods! Can you imagine how pissed-off I feel that I have been to Macau 3 times but tried ONLY Margaret's Portuguese Tart!!! Finally I have my second exploration of egg tarts this time and gonna share with you as usual.

Still, I admit Margaret's Portuguese Tart is one of the best in Macau. It always keeps its good quality and never let me down; and just like every individual visitor, I'm such a loyal client to support Margaret's every time. Hot, butter-eggy-rich flavor & taste, paper-thin baked tart layers, and I feel mouth-watering again now!

Specially mentioned is their Papaya Milk, which is also freshly made and yummy. I would very like to support them by buying more than tarts :)

Margaret's Cafe e Nata

17B, Goldling Building, Rua do Comandante Mata e Oliveira, Macau City, Macau
+853 2871 0032

My second journey about tarts in Macau, was in Taipa. Sei Hou Lei Cafe was a traditional local cafe, serving tarts, fresh baked breads and simple noodle dishes in Cantonese breakfast/all-day-dish style. They have 5 different types of tarts, Portuguese Tart, Bird-nest Tart, Milk Tart, Egg Tart and Coconut Tart.

Bird-nest Tart

Egg Tart (left) & Milk Tart (right)

Portuguese Tart (left-front) & Coconut Tart (right-back)

Among the five, my favorite is Bird-nest Tart, it was small and of course, how much real bird-nest you expect from it in the amount you are ready to pay back! To me, it's just a simple local and even old-style food, which impressed me and satisfied me more than enough by its fresh-heat, its balanced flavor of bird-nest, egg and butter, and its super crispy tart layers.

Besides I would also recommend their Coconut Tart, which was such a cute fluffy tart which is more soften and airy compared to the normal ones I had in Hong Kong (those are too moisture and condensed).

Different from Margaret's, it's a real local cafe (restaurant) which keeps the Macau's tradition. I won't say their Pork Bun is so nice, but if you are there, why not to try this traditionally-made pork chop.

Sei Hou Lei Cafe 

13-14 Rua do Cunha, Taipa, Macau
+852 2882 7373

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