Menty_Yu 於 2014-10-01 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 1499

分類:餐廳 酒吧 ;地區:銅鑼灣

Fleed from the noise of shopping area in Hong Kong, you don't need to travel somewhere far. Shelter Group opens their 'garden' in a massive platform on the 7th floor of Hysan Place. It was an ideal place for an after-work drink and a decent Italian dinner. Italian cuisine with G.H.MUMM champagne and featured cocktail is a absolutely their bright color.

Sitting down with a welcome-drink, creative champaign-tea, we were observing this great podium with our jaw open. Why? When I was heart this restaurant, I didn't expect so high to its standard (considering it just another normal Italian restaurant with wine menu); while when we stepped in, everything was just awesome and cooli higher-standard.

It's a huge open dining area with spacious setting of soft sofa in semi-round shape, bamboo, lighter color, soft cushion are all related to the design of beach & resort atmosphere. Going deeper to the end, it appeared another large bar/lounge area which rounded by semi-transparent glass barrier. Everyone sitting in the bar could enjoy a breath-taking night view of Time Square area; and you could have more choices than bar chairs, even lounge sofas and a reservation-required bamboo chair in a shape of samosa :P (what a lovely couple could do inside within such a private-design space)

Rossini (Champagne Cocktail $120) is one of their MUMM champagne cocktails. It's fantastic strawberry-red with a thin layer of glutinous bubbles (Strawberry Pearl) at the bottom. It was absolutely a strawberry-girl's drink with strawberry liqueur while it's slightly strong in taste, which might be not that easy-accepted by a girl not used to alcohol.

Asparagi, Tartufo Nero
Mesclun Salad, Asparagus, Celery & Cherry Tomato, Tossed with Black Truffle Dressing

Poached Boston Lobster, Fruit Salad of Mango, Papaya Melon, Blue Berry, Strawberry & Lobster Sabayon

Starting from the salads, it was featured in fresh vegetables, fruits, cheese and seafoods, which was still catering to this hot early autumn in Hong Kong. The presentation was massively rich in color, bringing such a brightness to the comparable darker dining atmosphere there. I was absolutely a big fan of their Asparagi, Tartufo Nero, for its slow-melting cheese with the attractive black truffle dressing

A classical salad playing with seafood and fruit would never disappoint you if it's fresh supplied in good quality; and their Astice, made it! Especially mentioned was the Boston Lobster which was just made in simplest but the most appropriate way to express its natural sweetness. (Well, it would be perfecter if mango and papaya could be in firmer, harder, crisper texture.)

Risotto 'Acquerello' ai Gamberi e Capesante
'Acquerello' Rice, Hokkaido Scallop, Rose Prawn, Spinach, Lemon Scent & Pantelleria Capers

Strozzapreti Vongole e Carciofi
Handmade Strozzapreti, Sustainable New Zealand Diamond Clams & Artichoke


Going for Italian Cuisine, how can we miss pasta! Risotto, a rice version of pasta, was quite well done on an average level, while I would crave chewier texture from the rice. The handmade Strozzapreti was worthy to be strongly recommended even all of us thought it's over-salted. I was quite in its soft but chewy texture which was paired to the word, handmade! The oil-moisture surface was just cooling down to give a semi-sticky layer to the pasta, which kept the all flavorsome essentials from the ingredients such as garlic, herb, olive oil, clam. Again, it was quite salty, but our spoons were just keeping on moving. 

Salted Spanish Line Caught "Gadus Morhua' White Cod with Asparagus, Mussel & Clam Broth Powder

Stuffed Veal Chop with Mushroom, Spinach and Parmesan, Wrapped in Pork Net, Truffle Mashed Potato

Seafood and land main courses was also outstanding in the presentation and quality. Baccala, was undoubtedly, the No.1 dish in taste, ingredients and presentation throughout the whole dinner. It's a balance in colors and shape; it's rich combination of seafoods and fishes, and it's quality-seasoning by the lighter but tasty seafood dressing/soup.

Vitello, it was interesting to combine pork and beef (veal) together, and plus a spinach and parmesan insider. It wasn't in a meaty style, but giving a tender, mild, cheesy and pork-sweet taste in large, unfortunately it seems to lose a lot flavor of veal chop. 

Mojito Semifreddo, Peppermint Jelly with Jasmine Tea Sauce

It was such a summer-time dessert which gave a cool feeling by its crystal-green jelly, while jelly seems to be over-sweet. However, the mojito semifreddo (semi-frozen ice cream cake) was really good by a fresh lemon-sourness and ice-cream sweetness, plus the butter cookie tart, it was like a digesting after-dinner treatment indeed. I would consider it more like a fresher and lighter version of lemon cheesecake more than semifreddo, but a little sorry for I couldn't taste the jasmine tea sauce.

As I mentioned at the beginning, the design of Shelter is quite higher-standard and luxury-targeted. A collection good imported ingredients in seafoods, meats and dressings, a line of branded champagne and cocktails, and most importantly a well-decorated night space, are for sure lifted this restaurant up. Further, you could even find they are willing to invest in a simple hand towel by a condensed-mask technique to play a game with you and to impress you.

Shop 71 (Open Terrace), 7/F Hysan Plaza
500 Hennessy Road
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong

+852 2778 8398

Mon to Sun. 12nn - 2am

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感謝 Menty Yu 提供以上資料

Menty Yu的網誌: http://mentyinhk.blogspot.hk/


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Shelter Italian Bar & Restaurant
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