Purple Rice Bread 紫米麵包

Phoebe 於 2014-10-05 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 613


If you are like me who eat bread on a daily basis, do you get bored with white toast or whole wheat bread? Here is something different: whole grain bread, not only with whole wheat flour, but also with rice.

This is my first time using rice to make bread. I should have made it earlier! It stays soft for 3-4 days in room temperature, just like tong zhong bread.

Purple rice is also called black glutinous rice or sticky black rice. It is one of the fragrant type of rice. Cook it in a rice cooker and cool before adding to the bread dough.


Ingredients to make a 13x4x4 inch loaf:

50g purple rice soak in water at room temperature for a few hours or overnight. Cook in a rice cooker with 100-125g water (or follow the package's instruction). Set aside to cool.

cooked purple rice
Sponge 麵種:
200g bread flour 高筋麵粉
275g water 水
3g instant yeast 即溶酵母

Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Cover and let it sit in room temperature for 1-2 hours or refrigerate overnight.


Main Dough 主麵團:
all the sponge from above 所有麵種
200g bread flour 高筋麵粉
100g whole wheat flour 全麥麵粉
25g sugar 糖
2g instant yeast 即溶酵母
100-150g cooked purple rice 煮熟紫米
5g salt 鹽
20g unsalted butter, softened 無鹽牛油

1) Put all the ingredients in the bowl of a stand mixer, except salt and butter. Mix on low until it forms a ball. Add salt and knead for about 10 minutes. Add butter and knead until incorporated.

dough after kneading

2) Cover and let it rise in room temperature until it doubles in size.

dough doubles in volume after 1st rise

3) Divide the dough into three equal parts. Roll out each one and roll up.

4) Put into a greased pan with seam side down. Let them rise until they are about half an inch from the rim.

5) Bake in a preheated 350F oven for 35 minutes.
6) Take it out from the oven and remove from the pan. Cool on a rack completely before slicing.
7) Keep frozen for longer storage, otherwise put in a plastic bag at room temperature for 3-4 days. Do not keep in the refrigerator.

1) 先煮熟紫米,盛起待涼。
2) 做麵種:將麵粉、水及酵母攪勻,放室溫一至兩小時或雪櫃過夜。
3) 主麵團:將麵種、主麵團其他材料 (鹽及牛油除外) 混合成團,搓成球狀後加鹽,再用機搓約十分鐘,或手搓約十五分鐘。再加牛油搓勻。
4) 蓋上保鮮紙待其發酵至一倍大。
5) 將麵團分成三等份,滾圓然後捍長,跟着卷起,放入已塗油之焗盤內,再發酵至一陪大。
6) 放入已預熱至三百五十度之焗爐內焗約三十五分鐘。
7) 出爐脱盤後要待完全凉後,才可切片,然後放膠袋封可保存三、四日。切勿放雪櫃,如有須要可放冰箱。


感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料

Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/


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