下一站: Pontresina to St. Moritz (15 mins drive) 平均每年陽光普照322天, 成為瑞士最佳氣候城市, 可惜我地就.......
呢個城係位於山上 落巴士後我地要上山入城.
一個有 $$$ 區, 好多名牌店 可惜唔啱我. 有太陽的話影相應該幾靚
St. Moritz 回 Davos (2 hrs drive) 同一間酒店 dinner. Clear Grison Barley soup Sautéd French duck breast on Ketjap-manis sauce served with glazed yellow Zizers carrots and parsley-potato purée
又有美味既 surprise! Panna cotta of chocolate with plum compote