Strawberry Cheesecake (No Bake) 草莓芝士凍餅

Phoebe 於 2015-03-06 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 527


This has been the longest stretch since my last post on 2/10/15. What I have been doing for the past month? I took a vacation to visit family and meet some friends whom I have lost contact with for more than two decades. It is a great feeling to reconnect with old friends and catch up with each others' lives. 

What is most precious is after all these years we still treasure our friendship. 

Genuine friendship can pass the test of time!



Back to food....This light, no-bake cheesecake is perfect for any celebration or an after dinner dessert. It can be prepared ahead of time. It is light, with the right amount of sweetness with fresh strawberries and a crunchy Graham cracker base--heavenly!!

Ingredients for a 9 inch cake:

Cake Base 餅底:
158g Graham crackers 餅乾
78g unsalted butter, melted 無鹽牛油溶液

Crush the crackers into fine crumbs in a bag with a rolling pin or using a food processor.

Mix with the melted butter and press it into the bottom of a springform pan. Store in the refrigerator while preparing the cheese filling.


Cheese filling 芝士餡料:
1 egg yolk 蛋黃
10g gelatin sheet 魚膠片
57g water 水
100g sugar 糖
1 package cream cheese, 8 oz, room temperature 奶油芝士
200g heavy cream 重奶油
250 strawberry puree 草莓果泥

1) Put the egg yolk, water and 25g sugar in a small bowl. Put this small bowl in a larger pot with an inch of simmering water (not touching the bowl). Disinfect the egg yolk by heating the mixture in this water bath, constantly stirring until it reaches 160F-165F.

2) Soften the gelatin sheet in cold water. Add to the warm egg mixture to dissolve. Mix well and set aside.
3) Beat heavy cream with 25g sugar to stiff peak.
4) In another mixing bowl, beat cream cheese with 50g sugar until creamy and light.
5) Add the whipped heavy cream to the cream cheese mixture. Mix until incorporated.
6) Add the egg mixture to the cream mixture and mix well.
7) Add the strawberry puree and mix well. Scrape the bottom of the bowl.
8) Pour to the prepared springform pan. Refrigerate for a few hours or until set.

1) 在一鍋內加約一寸水煮滾後轉小火。25g 糖、水及蛋黃放碗內,將碗放鍋內,利用蒸氣令蛋黃消毒,不斷攪動至溫度達160-165度。離火。
2) 用冷水浸軟魚膠片,加入蛋黃液溶解。
3) 重奶油加25g糖打至硬身。
4) 奶油芝士加50g糖打至幼滑。
5) 加入已打好的重奶油,攪勻。
6) 加入蛋液,攪勻。
7) 最後加入草莓果泥,攪勻。
8) 倒入已做好的餅底,撥平後放雪櫃數小時至凝結。

Optional Topping 餅面裝飾:
10g gelatin sheet 魚膠片
80g strawberry puree 草莓果泥
300g water 水
70g sugar 糖

Dissolve sugar in water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Add softened gelatin. Add puree and mix well. Let it cool down before pouring on top of the cheesecake. Refrigerate until set.



感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料

Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/


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