鄉下婆叫找由Phil Collins的〈Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)〉和問「Against All Odds」何解,於是上網找。印象中此曲是電影主題曲,不過亦早已忘記,除了間中深夜時從電台中輕輕傳來,旋律吸引,歌聲雄渾。
電影當年在香港公映時好像叫《危情》,一九八四年六月八日上映,轉眼已經三十年,男主角謝夫.布烈治,近年看過的電影包括《真實的勇氣》,卻錯過了他得金像獎男主角的《聲聲相識》(Crazy Heart)。
以前喜歡聽歐西流行歌曲,記憶中Phil Collins那時並不是唱歌,而是一隊樂隊中的鼓手,唔知點解後來改為唱歌,結果更受歡迎。
據網上資料「Against All Odds」單解可以是「克服重重困難」,亦有多個解釋,包括「知難而退」和「排除萬難」,可參考Ask & Learn聞問切﹕Against All Odds:
讀者Michelle 問:against all odds 是什麼意思?她看到有人將其翻譯成「知難而退」;有人卻翻譯成「排除萬難」,意思剛好相反,到底誰對誰錯?
可惜 Michelle 沒有把原文寄來,下面的答案只能作為一個推測。
Against all odds 是形容形勢對自己不利,但當事人仍然勇往直前,不怕艱苦。 我們以球賽為例:甲隊球技本已遠比乙隊高超,而球賽又在甲隊主場舉行, 因此不論地利人和,乙隊都是against all odds。我們可以說:Team B continued to fight, against all odds.
這樣來說,似乎把 "against all odds" 翻譯成「排除萬難」比較合適。 其實也不盡然,因為賽事峰迴路轉,起初乙隊還是勇往直前,但一鼓作氣以後,再而衰,三而竭,結果潰不成軍。這時候,我們又可能說:
Team B fought bravely for a while, against all odds, but in the end, decided to give up.
我們把這句用中文寫出來,用上「知難而退」, 也是可以的。
Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) 再看我一眼
How can I just let you walk away 我怎能讓你離去
Just let you leave without a trace 讓你不留痕跡的離去
When I stand here taking 當我站在這裡
Every breath with you 與你一同呼吸
You're the only one 畢竟你是唯一
Who really knew me at all 真正瞭解我的人
How can you just walk away from me 你怎能就這樣離開我
When all I can do is watch you leave 當我眼睜睜地看著你離去
'Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain 因為我們曾經一起分享歡笑痛苦
And even shared the tears 甚至分享淚水
You're the only one 畢竟你是唯一
Who really knew me at all 真正瞭解我的人
So take a look at me now 那麼,再看我一眼吧
'Cause there's just an empty space 只因空中一片冷寂
And there's nothing left here to remind me 這裡已沒有留下什麼能讓我記起
Just a memory of your face 記憶中你的容顏
So take a look at me now 此刻,再看我一眼
'Cause there's just an empty space 只因空中一片冷寂
And you coming back to me is against the odds 要你再回我身邊,已是完全不可能
And that's what I've got to face 那是我必須面對的
I wish I could just make you turn around 但願我能讓你回頭
Turn around and see me cry 回過頭來看我在哭泣
There's so much I need to say to you 有太多話想對你說
So many reasons why 有太多的疑惑
You're the only one 畢竟你是唯一
Who really knew me at all 真正瞭解我的人
So take a look at me now 那麼,再看我一眼吧
'Cause there's just an empty space 只因空中一片冷寂
And there's nothing left here to remind me 這裡已沒有留下什麼能讓我記起
Just a memory of your face 記憶中你的容顏
Take a look at me now 再看我一眼
'Cause there's just an empty space 只因空中一片冷寂
But to wait for you is all I can do 但是,等你便是我唯一能做的
And that's what I've got to face 也是我必須面對的
Take a good look at me now 好好地看我一眼
'Cause I'll still be standing here 因為我將一直佇立在此
And you coming back to me is against all odds 要你回到我身邊,雖然是完全不可能
That's the chance I've got to take 卻是我唯一的機會
Take a look at me now 就再看我一眼吧