來到San Telmo區, 跟住旅遊書行一d古蹟.
La Casa Minima, 又係貧民住宅
只有2.2 metre闊, 即2人身位
It is part of an old construction of the second decade of the 19th
century. This type of houses –annexed to the main house- used to be
inhabited by slaves.
這兒星期日會變成Sunday Market.
先來個下午茶, Waiter 亦要顧及室外既顧客
Hot Milk + chocolate bar => Hot Chocolate
這是一家歷史悠久既Bar. 係夜晚先開門, 老闆見我地行過, 招呼我地入內參觀, 當然有sell我地當晚睇節目. 場地唔大, 可以感受好close既表演. 新舊Bar 就打對面.
另一間Bar Sur都係睇Tango show. 電影春光乍洩既拍攝場地
Obelisk, 馬路甚至比北京仲闊
Avenida 9 de Julioin Buenos Aires, named after the date of Argentine Independence in 1816
Obelisk (wiki)
Dinner @ Grand Bar Danzon (Fusion food) - quite good.
個人日誌: http://siuyutravel.blogspot.hk/