Forgot it is Labour Day Holiday today
Salta is a colonial city, and 2nd wine region after Mendoza. Since
we're going to Mendoza vineyard, we skip the vineyard part @ Cafayate in
Salta, and only joined 2 day tour in Salta.
Before I arrived Argentina, i could only think of old cars in South America.
There are indeed many old cars there. But not all are like these
St. Francis Church in day time
clickhereto see night view
Church 入面有個禁區好calm, 睇落好舒服
Argentina 適合我地既手信唔多, 可能都係要買茶~
以前工作都會見到呢d產品, 不過都係第一次見人用
市區既 tour bus
當地另一個好出名既Church. 就係main plaza 前面
Iglesia Cathedral Basilica de Salta y Santuario del Señor y la Virgen del Milagro
Argentina 好多 park. 呢個係 Main Plaza - Plaza de Julio.
Salta仲可以觀夜景, 無去
機場可以俾$$$揾保鮮袋包住個行李, 無做到跟住就出事啦~
Lunch 係機場食咗個 tart.
團友成日都令住 iphone, 居然令佢地成為眾人既焦點.
好多人都問: Is that iphone?
仲有人問: Is that a real or copied iphone
當然又要飛返去Buenos Aires 再轉機. 初時都好驚飛機delay, 好易出事轉唔到機~
Argentina 大部份既人口都係住係Buenos Aires.
又來到Mendoza 既酒店
我既新行李來到呢度出事啦. 拖 luggage 個 handle screw 開始有斷既跡象. 跟住原來今朝鎖行李個陣轉到個密碼, 原來既密碼開唔返, 即時真係唔知點算
. 個luggage 本來係買俾細佬, 佢無用, 所以luggage都係唔好買平野.
最後都係要 001,002,003,004......咁試, 試咗我估有700組number 終於都開到
今晚就係呢間Facundo 食dinner.
隔離個間Ampora Wine Tours專去貴價既wine tours, 估計飲貴價酒
超大舊既meat, 不過好硬, 俾隻野狗食都食得好辛苦