Coffee Bun 咖啡味墨西哥包

Phoebe 於 2015-07-31 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 566


It is often said that we eat with our eyes. I totally agree with that. Presentation, plating and color coordination enhance the appeal of a dish tremendously. Yet another important factor that attracts our attention is aroma.

This coffee bun is an good example. I am drawn to this bun not only by its aesthetic but by its strong coffee aroma. I seldom drink coffee but its aroma is so attractive that it makes me want to take a bite. This bun is similar to the bo lo bao/pineapple bun, except the crust is not as crunchy.


便是其次,但很多時侯香味比顏色更快吸引人的注意。我便是先被這個咖啡墨西哥包濃郁的香味所吸引。它與波蘿包 十分相似,只是外皮不夠菠蘿包脆,但香味搭夠。

Click here for the dough recipe.

Topping to make 10-12 buns:

65g unsalted butter, softened 牛油
40g sugar 糖
1 egg, lightly beaten 蛋,打散
65g cake flour 低筋粉
1-2 tsp instant coffee or expresso 咖啡粉
10g hot water 熱水

1)  Dissolve coffee with hot water. Let it cool.
2)  Mix softened butter with sugar until blended.
3)  Add egg and mix until incorporated.
4)  Add flour and coffee to the mixture and mix well. 
5)  Put the mixture in a piping bag with a round tip.

after the first rise, divide the dough into equal portion and let them rise a second time

6)  After the dough has almost doubled in size, pipe the mixture on top of each dough starting from the middle and go around making circles.

7) Bake in a preheated 375F oven for 20 minutes.

This is what happens when you pipe more than enough on top

1) Do not pipe too much on the dough. Stop piping after making about three to four circles. The excess will just melt in the oven and flow down the bun.
2) For stronger coffee flavor, use 2 tsp. Good quality coffee is essential in making this bun.
3) If you omit coffee, then you will have Mexican buns!


1) 咖啡加熱水開溶,待涼。
2) 牛油與糖打至順滑。
3) 加蛋再打均勻。
4) 加咖啡溶液、麵粉,攪拌。
5) 放入擠花袋。
6) 由中央開始,擠螺旋狀。
7) 放入已預熱375度焗爐焗約二十分鐘。

1) 咖啡外皮不要擠太多,只要三、四圈便夠。
2) 如想要味道濃郁一些,可放二茶匙。請選用品質較好的咖啡。
3) 外皮材料除去咖啡,便會做成墨西哥包了!


感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料

Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/


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