Japanese Black Sesame Cheesecake with Tofu (No Bake) 日式黑芝麻豆腐芝士餅 (免烤)

Phoebe 於 2015-10-30 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 612


People always ask me this question: How do you keep your weight under control with all the yummy desserts and breads you make? I usually will reply with a big smile : )) It is a secret!

Actually, there is no secret to keep a healthy weight while enjoying the foods you like. Recently I read a cookbook on Japanese desserts. The author claimed that she lost a total of 80 pounds while eating Japanese desserts using the recipes in the book over a period of 7 years. And the fact that she is an Italian, not Japanese, made me want to find out more. Of course, eating just any dessert would not make you lose weight. But eating the right kind of desserts--not excessively sweet, not too high in calories, and eating them in moderation--can satisfy your cravings without making you put on some extra pounds.

This cheesecake has a unique flavor that sets it apart from other types of cheesecake because of its special ingredients: white and black sesame paste, miso and tofu. The original recipe calls for black sesame paste but it is an expensive item ($10 for a small jar of 150g), so I substituted it with black sesame powder. I also lowered the amount of butter I used in making the crust.

Recipe modified from: Kyotofu by Nicole Bermensolo.


其實要享受美食而又要保持一個健康體重,不是想像般困難。最近讀到一本關於日本甜品的書,作者稱她自從七年前開始用書上甜品的食譜後,她的體重竟然減了八十磅! 大家要注意的是她不是日本血統,而是意大利人。當然食甜品不能令人減磅,但食適當的甜品--不過甜、卡路里低及適當份量--能夠令人食了開心、滿足又不會輕易增磅。


食譜改編自Nicole Bermensolo著的Kyotofu

Ingredients for a 9" round cake
Crust餅底 :
158g Graham cracker 餅乾
80g unsalted butter, melted 無鹽牛油溶液
36g white sesame paste 芝麻醬

Cheesecake batter 芝士餡料:
227g/1 pack cream cheese, softened 室溫奶油芝士
56g black sesame paste/powder 黑芝麻醬/粉
198g sugar 糖
76g sour cream 酸奶油
232g silken tofu 嫩豆腐
1½ tbsp shiro miso 味噌
5g gelatin 魚膠粉
2 tsp vanilla extract 雲呢哪香油
120g heavy cream 重奶油

1)  To prepare the crust, crush the crackers into fine crumbs in a bag using a rolling pin or with a food processor.

2) Lay a parchment paper on the bottom of a 9" springform pan. Mix the crushed crackers with the melted butter and press it into the pan. Store in the refrigerator while preparing the cheesecake batter.

3)  Make cheesecake batter by sprinkling gelatin powder onto a small bowl with three tablespoon of water in it. Do not stir. Let the gelatin bloom for 5 minutes.
4)  Put heavy cream in a small pot and heat until it simmers. Remove from heat and add the bloomed gelatin and stir well. Make sure there is no lump. Set it aside to cool.
5)  Cream softened cream cheese with a mixer until smooth and creamy.
6)  Add black sesame paste/powder and blend well.
7)  Add sugar, sour cream, tofu, miso and vanilla extract. Blend well after addition of each ingredient.
8)  Combine the heavy cream with gelatin and the cream cheese mixture with the mixer on low.
9)  Pour the batter through a fine mesh sieve and then onto the prepared pan. Refrigerate overnight or until set. 

1)  I used an unbaked crust to make it a truly "no bake" cheesecake.
2)  There are many different kinds of miso. Shiro is the most subtle and mild type which is good in making this dessert.
3)  The addition of white sesame paste in the crust and miso in the cheesecake batter makes this cheesecake different from others. Do not omit them. Use pure sesame paste without added sugar or other additives like soybean or peanut.
4)  In order to have a smooth and silky cheesecake texture, it is imperative to pass the mixture through a fine mesh sieve before pouring to the crust.

1)  做餅底。放餅乾入膠袋內弄碎,加入牛油溶液,放入鋪有牛油紙的餅模內,用匙羹壓平及實,放雪櫃。
2)  做芝士餡料。在一小碗內放三湯匙水,將魚膠粉灑上。不用攪。
3)  用一小鍋將重奶油加熱,離火,加入魚膠粉,拌勻。待冷。
4)  將軟身的奶油芝士用攪拌器攪至幼滑。
5)  加入黑芝麻醬或粉,拌勻。
6)  逐一加入糖、酸奶油、豆腐、味噌及雲呢哪香油,每次加了之後都要攪勻才加別的。
7)  將放涼了的奶油倒入芝士餡內,攪勻後過篩,再倒入餅底上,放雪櫃過夜至凝結。

1)  原食譜餅底要焗,但不焗也可。
2)  味噌重類繁多,今次用的是比較淡口,較適合做甜品。
3)  餅底加了芝麻醬及餡內有味噌,都是令到此餅與別不同,不要減去不用啊。購買芝麻醬時要選擇無加糖或其他成份如黃豆或花生。
4)  餡料做好後一定要過篩,口感才會幼滑。


感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料

Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/


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