秘書小姐在Valerie 幫我找了一個Tofu Garden 的生日蛋糕! I feel so happy and thank you for her help all the times. This is so wonderful that I can find a special cake for my brother-in-Law Birthday, because he and my Nephew Cup Cup love to have a Birthday cake for sing the Birthday song all the times !
當Elton 打開時真的嘩了一声,因為四四方方蛋糕上,有很多很多的strawberry and 雜莓,豆腐味很清甜也很香,咬了一口,很香的芝士味,而且蛋糕很滑又不太甜,口感一流!
格調很不一樣,而且豆腐生日蛋糕真的很特別! I am so great to have a sweetie cake for his Birthday !
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Rainbow Doll的網誌: http://www.openrice.com/zh/gourmet/reviews.htm?userid=52913&city=hongkong