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摩西會幕- The Tabernacle
奇本想遲的去南美洲和偷偷的去遊古巴, 經過菲律賓的事件發生後,實在無心情去這些較亂和危險的國家了! 旅程要推遲了, 而其中美國對南美的多個國家一直有旅遊警告的, 美國更不准許國民去古巴的! 雖然一直都想去古巴!為免家人擔心, 現不會去南美和偷偷的去古巴! 以前曾經聽有旅行家說為何美國長期對一些國家如南美國家和對墨西哥發出旅遊警告,現在經過菲律賓的事件後便明白了!
先 Post 之前去過的摩西會幕的相片,遲的同大家介紹返啦!不過遲 D 同大家介紹完後, 會 Delete 摩西會幕這篇遊記的, 因為於會幕內是不准拍照的, 今次的相片多是用Post Card 的, 所以同大家介紹完後會 delete 了!
會幕外有洗濯盆和銅祭壇,而幕是會敬拜上帝的地方,會幕內的框架是用木造和包金的。內有兩個房間,第一個房間是聖所,只有祭司才可入聖所, 聖所內有金香壇、放餅的抬和金燈台。而第二個房間是至聖所,裡面放了約櫃。
Courtyard Sculpture - The priest assisted in transferring the sins of the people to the head of the sacrifical animal.
The Laver (洗濯盆) - Located in the tabernacle courtyard, was constructed of a highly reflective metal, copper or one of its alloys, brass, or bronze. The priests used the water in the laver for various types of washings and ritual cleaning.
The Brazen Altar 銅祭壇 - Located in the courtyard of the tabernacle, was constructed of acacia wood overlaid with copper or one of its alloys, brass or bronze. Various types of sacrifices were offered on this altar as depicted by figures shown.
The Holy Place 聖所 - of the tabernacle contained three pieces of furniture - the golden lampstand, the table of shwebread, and the incense altar. (This one is from Post card!)
The Incense Altar - Located in the holy place of the tabernacle, was contructed of acacia wood overlaid with gold. Priests burned incense on this altar twice daily. (This one is from Post card!)
The High Priest 大祭司- (This one is from Post card!)
The Golden Lampstand 金燈台 - Located on the south side of the holy place, was constructed from beaten gold. Fashioned with a central stem and six branches, the lampstand provided light for the priests as they worked inside the tabernacle.
The Table of Shewbread 放餅的抬 - Located on the north side of the holy place, was constructed of acacia wood overlaid with gold. Displayed on the table were 12 loaves of bread representing the 12 tribes of Israel and varous utensils used inside the tabernacle (This one is from Post card!)
The Ark of the Covenant 位於至聖所裡面的約櫃 - Located in the most holy place of the tabernacle, was constructed of acacia wood overliad with gold. Two golden cherubim spread their wings over the solid gold mercy seat. Stored inside the gold-lined ark were a copy of the Ten Commandments, Aaron's rod that budded, and a golden pot of manna. The high priest entered the most holy place once a year to make atonement for his and the people's sins.(This one is from Post card!)