foot in the door of the company

就打傘去了趟風景區 於 2018-06-22 17:27:19 發表  |  累積瀏覽 162

I did this one several years ago for a particular job I wanted after graduating from college. Although there wasn't an opening at the company I wanted to work for, I did get the job in an unusual way. In the meantime, I easily and quickly attracted another job that was similar which led me to certain people and circumstances. In a brief period of time, I was able to get my foot in the door of the company I wanted to work for originally. By doing this exercise, I set energies in motion which opened doors and attracted opportunities I was not aware of. I didn't worry how it would play out, I just allowed it to happen. It all worked out even better than I expected.

So decide what affirmation you would like to use and begin. Every time your mind tries to wander, bring it right back to your statement or affirmation, repeating it mentally or out loud, over and over again - for only five to ten minutes (you may want to set a timer). Then forget all about it until the next day when you do this exercise again.

What you have just done is focused attention, natural hypnosis. According to Seth, if you do this exactly as mentioned, in at least three days, you will start to see the results of your intentions. Some may see it sooner. Continue doing the exercise regardless and allow the miracles to happen. Seth explains:

"Inner channels must become repatterned. There will be a feel to this that will serve as your own individual guidline. There is no need to continue the practice over ten minutes. In fact, many will find that difficult to do. Spending a longer period of time simply reinforces the idea of problems involved." [The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts]

I wish everyone great success using natural hypnosis sessions in this way -- it really works! For other great exercises and techniques by Seth, some of the books I highly recommend by Jane Roberts are Seth Speaks, The Nature of Personal Reality, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness and by Lynda Dahl -- Beyond the Winning Streak: Using Conscious Creaton to Consistently Win at Life and Ten Thousand Whispers: A Guide to Conscious Creation.
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