日期:2012年12月6日 ~ 2013年3月4日(10:00am - 8:00pm)
地址:HKDI Gallery 香港知專設計學院 (香港新界將軍澳景嶺路3號)
The exhibition German Design Standards – From
Bauhaus to Globalisation narrates the untold story of the success
of German design. It gives an inspiring overview of the first decades of
the 20th century to the present. By showcasing more than 120 classic
and contemporary items, the exhibition explains why design made in
Germany reached the top and is today leading in the world economy.
Visitors will be informed about its evolution from a cultural, economic
and aesthetic perspective. German Design Standards – From Bauhaus to
Globalisation is organised by the Hong Kong Design Institute and Hong
Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee) in cooperation with
the red dot design museum and Die Neue Sammlung – The International
Design Museum Munich.
感謝 展_exhibit 提供以上資料
個人日誌: http://j-exhibit.blogspot.hk/