How search engines can quickly change the results

addedwr 於 2020-04-09 11:15:26 發表  |  累積瀏覽 247

These tiny moments directly question our understanding of the user journey. Users no longer search in a single way, and because of Google ’s development in recent years, there is no single search results page.

We can determine the user ’s stage through the search results displayed by Google and the analysis of proprietary data from Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools and Yandex Metrica.

The purpose may change, and the results and relevance may also change
. Another important thing to remember is that the search intent and the results displayed by Google can also be changed quickly.

An example is the Dyn DDoS attack that occurred in October 2016. Unlike other previous DDoS attacks, the news reports surrounding the Dyn attack are mainstream – the White House even issued a statement.

you find consultants are passionate marketers that delivers online solutions by providing smart thinking and smart strategies that are most suitable for you to increase the sales and leads. In this internet era, digital marketing has never been so important to a business as the Internet is entwined with everything we do.

Before the attack, searching for terms such as [ddos] or [dns] would produce results from companies such as Incapsula, Sucuri, and Cloudflare. These results are technical and are not suitable for newly discovered audiences to discover and study these terms.

youfind consultants are passionate marketers that delivers online solutions by providing smart thinking and smart strategies that are most suitable for you to increase the sales and leads. In this internet era, digital marketing has never been so important to a business as the Internet is entwined with everything we do.

Queries that used to have commercial or transactional intent quickly turned into information. Within 12 hours of the attack, the search results changed and became news results and blog posts that explained how the DDoS attack works.

This is why it ’s important not only to optimize the keywords that drive traffic conversion, but also to optimize keywords that provide users with domain-related user value and topic relevance.

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