How to choose a watch strap

hbfsfagtr 於 2022-02-17 11:49:44 發表  |  累積瀏覽 372


Some people have very slender wrists, especially women, which requires truncating and removing a lot of strap sections. apple watch wrist band,For the "metal strap" (butterfly buckle) with a discount, it is necessary to consider the left and right symmetry when shortening.

Some people have very thick wrists, and they may need to lengthen the strap when wearing it. The general principle should be symmetrical, so that the closed strap discount is in the center.

It is more troublesome for people with thick wrists but a relatively large taper, so it is not easy to find a suitable length, the watch is not easy to stay on the wrist, it is tight up and down and loose. belt watch.

All in all, the material, shape and length of the strap should control the position of the watch on the wrist, and the watch should not move up and down or side to side.


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