Application of laser engraving in handicrafts

chalice 於 2022-07-05 16:23:54 發表  |  累積瀏覽 124


In the past, laser engraving of handicrafts was not accepted in traditional handicrafts. Most of people's consciousness still stayed in the best state by hand. creality laser engraver,In fact, it is not the case. Although hand-made is humanized, the processing is cumbersome and complicated, the cost is too high, and the time is too high. Long and many other shortcomings, the laser engraving speed is fast and the effect is good, no worse than handmade products, and often more fine.

In order to ensure the fineness of the engraving, it can often be accurate to a few tenths of a millimeter in the numerical control setting, and there are many handicrafts made of materials that cannot be done manually, but can be done with lasers.

There are many materials used in craft laser engraving, wood, leather, cloth, bamboo, glass, acrylic, metal, foam, two-color board, paper, marble, rubber, clinker, jade and so on.


Common Items Using the Laser Engraving Process 

What are the advantages of laser engraving machine 

Features of laser engraving machine 

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