一九九三年諾貝爾(The Nobel Prize)文學獎得主托妮·莫里森(Toni Morrison)於一九九五年哈佛大學(Howard University)一個會議上發表了演說,她分享了「社會走向法西斯的十個步驟(Ten Steps to Fascism)」。一番發人深省的講話,引人深思。
「我想提醒在座各位,在到達終極解決方法(final solution)之前,必然有第一步、第二步、甚至第三步,然後到最後一步。從來沒有一蹴而就,事情總是一步、一步、一步地發生。
Construct an internal enemy, as both focus and diversion.
Isolate and demonize that enemy by unleashing and protecting the utterance of overt and coded name-calling and verbal abuse. Employ ad hominem attacks as legitimate charges against that enemy.
Enlist and create sources and distributors of information who are willing to reinforce the demonizing process because it is profitable, because it grants power and because it works.
Palisade all art forms; monitor, discredit or expel those that challenge or destabilize processes of demonization and deification.
Subvert and malign all representatives of and sympathizers with this constructed enemy.
Solicit, from among the enemy, collaborators who agree with and can sanitize the dispossession process.
Pathologize the enemy in scholarly and popular mediums; recycle, for example, scientific racism and the myths of racial superiority in order to naturalize the pathology.
Criminalize the enemy. Then prepare, budget for and rationalize the building of holding arenas for the enemy — especially its males and absolutely its children.
Reward mindlessness and apathy with monumentalized entertainments and with little pleasures, tiny seductions, a few minutes on television, a few lines in the press, a little pseudo-success, the illusion of power and influence, a little fun, a little style, a little consequence.
God bless the world 上帝佑世界
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