My Dunny

漂泊中的魚 於 2006-09-16 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 644


Wow …. My Dunny(s) were arrived in this early morning !!!  (I know I know .. I shouldn't bid them from ebay !! But i can't control myself !!!)

What is Dunny ? You can check it from here :  http://kidrobot.com/dunny/

I  started to collect this toy since 2003. I love them so much, esp 2 face series. It show the both "angel" and "devil" face of a dunny. (Haha … I like the devil face more ~)

The collection i got this time is series 3. I took 2 photos and post them in my album.

Another 3 photos : Tado Love Dunny !!!! Wah … cute cute face with a basket of poisonous mushroom. Haha … another type of "2 face".

Recently, kidrobot (New York) held a Paint Ball Party to show customised 20 inch dunny. http://www.kidrobot.com/reports/paintballny.html

Charity Auction was followed after this party. Go to this link  http://stores.ebay.com/The-PAINT-BALL-at-Kidrobot

Well … I'm lack of money… so ..just have a LOOK !!

感謝 漂泊中的魚 提供以上資料
漂泊中的魚的網誌 http://traveling-fish.tixmart.org/
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