Life in UK

漂泊中的魚 於 2006-09-16 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 461


I have been to UK for almost a month.  Life …. so far so good. 

I'm quite enjoy and cope with being alone, but at the same time …… 

I miss the weather in Australia

I miss the beaches in Adelaide ; the underwater world in Queensland ; the National park in WA ; the heaven in TAS.

I miss the foods and cinema in Hong Kong.  

I miss all my friends from all over the world.

The main point is :  I WANNA TRAVEL !!!!! 

That's terrible I stuck in the house and haven't been out of Guildford for almost 3 weeks !!! I can't stand it anymore !!! I need to go somewhere else ~~~~~

Please help me !!!!!

P.S. I'm playing on the Google Earth Software. Very interesting programme. At least i can travel thro' the web.

感謝 漂泊中的魚 提供以上資料
漂泊中的魚的網誌 http://traveling-fish.tixmart.org/
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