第一次餅聚終於開鑼了!!心情超緊張,生怕有什麼出錯。一早起來就把之前搜集好的資料,通通都翻出來重溫一次。最最最緊要的是把一個真正屬於我的食譜做好。可惜沒有Adobe professional, 未能把Word 轉成PDF。先後也試幾個軟件,可惜因為內容是中文,轉了都是亂碼。
跟兩老飲茶後就去阿Dick店作最後安排,萬二分感謝Lily為我先準備好夾心層及焦糖。然後我就出發往醫管局總部「上班」。對,今天要加班。因為一班小腦萎縮症的病人會有聚會,我則要向他簡介即將開始的研究,以便邀請他們的家屬做我的訪問對象。小腦萎縮症大家聽過沒有?如果你有看過日劇《一公升眼淚》就會知道。一進去演講廳,一半都是行動不便要靠輪椅代步的小腦萎縮症的病人,感覺很震撼。本來應該是愁雲慘霧,我卻只感覺到頑強的生命力。自問個人已是一個超樂觀的人,但這次跟他們接觸,連我自己亦自愧不如。要知道小腦萎縮症跟我這樣已換腎的病人不同,我這種病人,只要生活好好安排,飲食各方面都乖乖的不越軌,病情是不會惡化。但小腦萎縮症的病人不同,一來是與生俱來,二就是你的努力只能減慢退化的步伐,卻不能阻止退化。換言之,病情是會隨着時間而惡化,一切是多麼的無奈。他們要多我十倍至一百倍的樂觀,才可以勉強控制病情。昨日所見,每一位都笑面迎人,每一位都跟在場的其他朋友有交流。他們給我那一份感染力,是我從來都沒有過的。可恨最近還有一班年青人在Facebook開設什麼自殺小組,真的令人痛心。面對着小腦萎縮症的病人家屬,我知道只有觸及他們的需要,才能說服他們參與研究。因為我選擇了一個非常 social work式的presentaton style,以案例及現時社會法制情況去表達,中間亦特意加入互動的環節,最後總算都能不辱使命。
傍晚跟Jane 會合就先去吃一個quick dinner。十五分鐘內攪定,超快。謝謝Jenny阿姨的耐心及體諒。是日應邀的還有blog友蛋撻皇子,還有dor dor同學。整個做餅過程十分順利。感謝蛋撻皇子的朱古力裝飾示範,我們又學到新的技巧了。對於其他細節的安排不夠稱心,BM在此先謝謝各位的意見,下次都會一一採納的。蛋撻皇子的一句話挺有意思的,教餅,付錢的跟教的expectation有出入,最後只有不歡而散。倒不如相約一起做餅,互相交流。不過,我倒認為此說法只適用於平輩,也即是朋友。其實如果你跟學生的課前先溝通足夠,備課充足,教餅還是可行的。畢竟知識有價,更是professional status的指標,關鍵在於你如何跟對象而定價,這倒是marketing的技巧了,看你想在市場上如何定位。要不,就不會有knowledge management一個新興專業。
Yesterday was really a packed day. In the morning, I started to prepare for the evening’s baking gathering. Though I’ve done some research previously, the finl recipe was not yet ready. So after go through some revision of materials that I had, I got the recipe ready for evening use.
After lunch with my parents, I started off to Dick’s shop and to get final arrangement ready. A BIG thanks to Lily for her preparation in advance — the caramel and coffee jelly for evening use. Then I headed for HA headquarter for my work. Ya, there was patient gathering there and I need to present my Unit’s research project to them so to invite some of them to participate in our research. Thank God everything was smooth!!!!
I met Jane in TST, ha, she got lost!!!!! Finally I could pick her up and had a quick dinner together near Dick’s shop. The first baking gathering kicked off at 7p.m. with 4 gals. Prince Egg Tart, my blog friend, was late but since he ‘s a baking professional who once work at a 2-Star restaurant, he caught up with our pace easily. Thanks to Prince Egg tart for his demonstration on chocolate decoration. Thanks to all the gals for coming. It was so much fun to make cake together. Thanks Jenny for not blaming me on the time arrangement. Everything will be improved next time and I look forward for our next cake making gathering. We gonna host a Xmas cookies making gathering on 12 Dec evening. This time with different participants. Prince Egg tart is right, baking gathering is so much fun and fair to all. If one host teaching class, participants pay for the fee but it turned out that the expectation of participants and the teacher are different, it could only cause disappointment. However, to me, this only apply to friends. If you have enough communication with your potential students and with a clear teaching objectives, teaching class could still be fair to both parties. Knowledge should be priced, it just depends on whether you can maintain a fair pricing and target the right market segment. This also explaines the emerence of knowledge management professions.
蛋撻皇子示範餅面裝飾::Demonstration by Prince Egg Tart